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  • GravityJones - Long have I sought this cable

    Once in ten thousand years, they say, an eclipse blots out the rising sun in the house of Ophiuchus. On that dark dawn, light a candle made from the tallow of a pure black ram, take the AudioQuest K2 terminated speaker cable in your left hand, connect your bookshelf speakers to your hi-fi, and listen--the voices of the dead, some say, will whisper their dreadful secrets in stereo. Or, some say, you will hear God Himself speak the unspeakable Word at around the 80Hz range. One legend holds that the speakers shall ring forth with nothing but the terrible, terrible silence of an empty Cosmos. Who among us can know? And just look at those savings!

  • Logan Jensen - Best VR experience for the money and most comfortable

    This headset is just awesome! I wont bother saying to much as far as what it can do because most reviewers say all of the things you would need to know. I will mention a few personal things I like however. Its incredibly light! As an owner of both Oculus and Vive, this is hands down, the most comfortable headset out of all of them. I love the cinema mode. My GF can take the TV to play Xbox, and I can put on my headset and watch/play my PlayStation OR (A lot of people don't know this) You can plug in another HDMI signal into the processor box and get a cinema mode for anything plugged into that. I tried the Xbox 360 and it worked.

  • Herzuki - Dr. Miracle does work, but you must be faithful

    I am currently using this as a pre-shampoo hot treatment. I like the fresh scent. Its tingly, but I did put a lot on. It is really good stuff.

  • Pam Meier - I love it!

    I received this product at a discount in exchange for my honest review. I purchased this product to rid my garage of mice since the colder months are approaching. We live right next to a field an always seem to have at least a mouse or two that likes the shelter for the winter. So far so good. We did see a mouse but hopeful that it will not stay long.

  • Kindle Customer Vale Bacon - This is a good book for those looking for explanations as too why ...

    this book is very educational .I was not expecting the analytical approach but I did find it too be accurate as far as how men seem to judge there marriage .as of yet I have not completed the book but will as more time permits. This is a good book for those looking for explanations as too why they see things so differently from their spouses.But I would not describe it as a real page turner.

  • Chrissyg - so pleased with the Caboki

    I am a senior citizen and have some stress going on in my life being a caregiver, so consequently I am losing my hair due to the stress, I am very conscious of my appearance so I ordered this product hoping it would help with my self confidence, well to my surprise it works beautifully, just a little sprinkle here and there in the thin areas and like magic you can no longer tell it is thin there at all! so good to not try to hide the areas by combing my hair in a strange pattern, so confidence building, that I will buy it again for sure, I paid full price for this products and it was so worth it

  • LynB - Very functional mats

    Nice mats. Fit my 2015 Dodge Ram 2500 Larimie. Knocked of one star because of the rear mat could have a better lip on the center piece.

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