

Best Option Healthcare - Farmacia Especializada y Servicios de Salud en el Hogar cubriendo todo Puerto Rico. Expertos en infusión, cuidado de úlceras y medicamentos especializados.

  • Blog | Best Option Healthcare - El Blog de Best Option Healthcare: noticias, eventos, información educativa y testimonios. Mejores prácticas en infusión, y en el cuidado de heridas y úlceras.
  • Contáctanos | Best Option Healthcare - Contáctanos. Teléfono: (787) 723-6868. Dirección: 355 De Diego Ave., San Juan, PR 00909. email: [email protected]
  • Farmacia Especializada | Best Option Healthcare - Farmacia Especializada para pacientes con enfermedades crónicas y condiciones médicas complejas. Llegamos a todo Puerto Rico, incluyendo Vieques y Culebra.
  • Condiciones | Best Option Healthcare - Tenemos los medicamentos necesarios para tratar condiciones crónicas y trabajamos directamente con tu plan para facilitar todos los procesos de autorización.
  • Asistencia Económica | Best Option Healthcare - Te ponemos en contacto con organizaciones que se dedican a brindar apoyo económico así como programas de las compañías farmacéuticas con el mismo propósito.
  • Adherencia | Best Option Healthcare - Hacemos llamadas de seguimiento y monitoreamos el cumplimiento con tu tratamiento para apoyarte en cada paso de tu cuidado, según recomendado por el médico.
  • Manufactureros | Best Option Healthcare - Llevamos productos desde el manufacturero a los pacientes de la manera correcta para que tanto el paciente como el proveedor tengan una experiencia óptima.
  • Servicios de Salud en el Hogar | Best Option Healthcare - Servicios especializados de salud: Infusión, Terapias intravenosas y Cuidado de úlceras, heridas y quemaduras. Vamos a hogares en todo Puerto Rico.
  • Experiencia | Best Option Healthcare - Más de 20 años de experiencia brindando servicios innovadores y de vanguardia en el cuidado de salud en el hogar.
  • Servicios | Best Option Healthcare - Servicios en el hogar de infusión y terapias intravenosas en todo Puerto Rico. Cuidado de úlceras, heridas, quemaduras y lesiones en la piel en el hogar.
  • Planes Médicos | Best Option Healthcare - Trabajamos de la mano con tu plan médico para ocuparnos de todo el proceso que facilite el que recibas el mejor servicio y con prontitud.
  • Sobre Nosotros | Best Option Healthcare - Nuestra historia, filosofía, información de contacto y perfil de nuestros profesionales.
  • Todo Puerto Rico | Best Option Healthcare - En todo Puerto Rico: 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana y los 365 días del año. Brindamos servicios a toda la Isla, incluyendo Vieques y Culebra.
  • Credenciales | Best Option Healthcare - Somos líderes en modelos eficientes e innovadores de prestación de servicios de salud en el hogar y el mejor servicio de Farmacia Especializada de Puerto Rico.
  • Nuestros Profesionales | Best Option Healthcare - Equipo gerencial de Best Option Healthcare. Profesionales en los que puedes confiar.
  • Testimonios | Best Option Healthcare - Testimonios de nuestros clientes al recibir nuestros servicios de salud en el hogar.
  • Amor y cuidado | Best Option Healthcare - Estimado Dr. Morales: Reciba un cordial saludo y por este medio deseo informarle lo agradecida y contenta que me siento de haber sido parte de sus
  • Gran calidad humana y profesional | Best Option Healthcare - Todos los días doy gracias a Dios porque existe Best Option. No solamente porque es una excelente opción para tratamientos largos en el hogar, sino por la
  • Calidad de las enfermeras | Best Option Healthcare - Gracias por el servicio brindado a mi mamá. Estoy muy agradecida y complacida con su servicio y la calidad de las enfermeras. Aida 27 de enero de 2015

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -77.4728 Virginia, United States

  • WILLIE A MURPHY - I really like it!

    Saw the advertisement for this on Facebook. It sounded good so I snagged the 10 pack. Turns out, it is the greatest! I love this particular one! I really needed the brightening and it works like a charm.

  • Mick Pierson - $200 commercial

    Really disappointed in this laptop. It's size and weight harken back about a decade. The benefit of having a little memory over a net book is completely lost to the enourmous amount of junk predownloaded on Windows 10. It's basically like buying a commercial. It's incredibly frustrating to buy a laptop that is slower and has less storage space that your smartphone. I find it rediculous that HP and Microsoft are pushing their products relentlessly on a customer whose already bought one of their products. Maybe I don't want TripAdvisor, Xbox, NetFlix, Candy Crush, etc, etc, etc... It's now my computer, let me decide what I want to do with it. HP's Assistant is beyond annoying and McAfee Security is using up every last drop of space. I'm returning the item as I find no use for it over what I can do on my smart phone or tablet. And I am over this age of a company needing to know my entire life. No you can't have my locatiob, you can't acess my email, you can't have my friend list... I am beyond done with the modern day internet. I feel like social media was just a dupe to get people comfortable with sharing every last thing in life. I want my privacy back and I don't want to be harassed or marketed to every seconds of every day. Mind ur business!

  • Tanja - A magazine of the times

    Beautiful work. Great clean lines, photography, articles are thoughtful and presentation overall is balanced. Well edited and curated. A magazine of the times.

  • Scarlet - x99 Micro, Evga's Lack of support, and broken DIMM slots across multiple platforms

    I purchased this x99 Micro from an EVGA user that is reputable around the forums. At first, I was excited. My x99 Classified was lost in the mail, and I had to wait a total of 8 weeks just to get a motherboard..

  • Julie M - surprisingly effective

    I hesitantly tried Amberen at my husband's request after he heard an info-mercial. Surprisingly, my hot flashes subsided. All of them! My periods actually resumed, as well. Didn't lose or gain any weight or experience any other noticeable changes or side effects. Easy to swallow, in easy-to-access blister packs blister packs.

  • rsbooks - This book was pretty fantastic. I was felling pretty book slumpish even ...

    This book was pretty fantastic. I was felling pretty book slumpish even though I just got a bunch of top notch books but this book knocked me out of my book slump. It was fun, light hearted, had a great cast of characters, a hint of romance without repressed sexuality, and great world building.

  • Henry2000 - Henry2000

    I was horrified when I started to develop severe lower back pain that several of my family members and friends had described; where they had extensive back surgery and therapy.(with limited success). After about 8 weeks of this pain I was convinced that I needed to see a doctor. That night I saw the "Back to Life" machine advertisement. Out of shear desperation, I called and told the order taker that I knew that this was a gimmick but I was going to try it anyway. Boy was I ever thankful I did! This thing really worked and after 10 days my back pain was totally gone! I have worked this machine into my regular exercise routine, and find it very easy to use; and quite relaxing. I can see from other testimonials that it has not produced the same results for everyone; and that each situation is probably different. Apparently I was a perfect candidate for this thing and have highly recommended it to everyone that I hear complaining about their back pain. Don't waste your money on the pills the Back to Life people will try to sell you. They are very expensive, hard to get off your credit card, and in my opinion not necessary. The machine is the ticket; not the pills.

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