

Blue Phantom Ultrasound Training Medical Models and Ultrasound Simulators - Blue Phantom is the world leader in ultrasound training simulation manikins for medical education. Blue Phantom models provide superior realism and unmatched durability

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City: -77.4728 Virginia, United States

  • Karen S. Kyle - End Times

    The book is a little hard to understand since I'm not proficient in Greek/Roman Mythology. Is however a new twist on what the Bible has already revealed.

  • chrobs - Teasingly Feature-packed, but Disappointing

    Very Disappointed. I have been looking for a Backup Solution for my home network. 3 computers, server Smartphones and tablets. As an IT professional who supports a backup scenario at work, I know what I want in terms of features. this Acronis prooduct seems to have all that - Esp the Incremental/Differential feature so I'm not doing Full backups every week (day) and can have small backups in between that only back up changes. The Cloud version of this product also synch up mobiles and tablets nicely (supposedly). Other vendors may off these features, but they are not advertised so I am unaware to date. Acronis has many other features, but I never got that far.

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