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  • Wizard - Great Advice, Great Story, Must read!

    I have heard Doctor Wallach's DeadDoctorsDontLie tape, DeadDoctorsDontLie radio show and loved what he had to say but always left with doubts and questions. This book answers ALL the questions. Doctor Wallach's stories are amazing! And his medical advice is so desperately needed by so many. The book is the best and least expensive second opinion you can get. I would reccomend this book to anyone. The book is primarily about vitamins and minerals and which ones will help which diseases. It is amazing to discover how many diseases are actually vitamin and mineral defiencies! After trying some advice in the book and using some of DeadDoctorsDontLie advice and products my gray hair went away! I know it seems impossible, it talks about it in the book and I didn't believe it until it happened to me. It was amazing!

  • Brianna Sledge - over priced unnecessary junk

    This should not ever be used on fresh ink. It burns, stings, and makes your skin feel like it's being stretched all over. On a fully healed tattoo it makes no noticeable difference. You could very well just use a basic lotion to moisturize and receive a better shine. As well (and this might just be me) it smells awful.

  • Sheila N. Ford - Yummy, excellent

    I bought the 6 pack since they did not sell it in any other option. I use this all the time. I roast veggies; onion, pepper, zucchini, cauliflower and tomatoes. I use a little olive oil and my perfect pinch, I love this and will buy it all the time. Very yummy and effortless

  • Mr Happy - It worked for me...again!

    Every persons metabolism is different, but this product, and other QCarbo products have worked for me in the past. I'm presently 4 for 4 using QCarbo. If you expect it to work you MUST stop ingesting toxins at least 48 hours before using! In my case its always been 5 to 10 days. But I know folks who have had it work after only 48 hours. I'm a bigger guy, and tend to ingest a lot of "toxins" so the QCarbo 32 is my go to product. Here's how it works for me. NO over the counter medications 24 hours before use, NO heavy meals 8 hours before use. Start with 20 oz of water, wait 20 min. Drink QCarbo 32 at a moderate pace. Takes me about 15 min. I wont lie...It don't taste to good...The tropical flavor is not as bad as the Grape. After drinking the Juice, wait 1 hour. Refill the bottle with water and chug it down. Urinate 4 times and your good to go. You'll be peeing mountain dew yellow, no worries. It's all good, just the product working. If your being tested for toxin's you have about a 3 hour window after consumption. I give it 4 stars rather than 5 because it tastes like crap, and after about 7 hours you start to feel like crap as well. But if you need it for the same reasons I did, Its worth it, and the $40 cost!! Good Luck!!

  • Albs - The standard for septic tanks. Just put it on autoship!

    Even though my area has many septic tanks attached to the residences, for some reason Rid-X is hard to find. I tried yeast (at a plumber's recommendation), and did not have great results. When I had to get the septic tank cleaned, there was more inside than in prior years using Rid-X.

  • Carl Reddick - This is the greatest book ever written

    This is the greatest book ever written. It starts out with an orphan girl coming of age during a time of political turmoil. She marries poorly and is soon consumed with an addiction to 'nervous medicine' because of her husband's shenanigans. Bravely she faces the harlots and whores who would destroy her husband so that she can have access to the Big House. Soon she meets a Senator Moynahan who is confused why she would come visiting him in New York when she so clearly has her roots, like her hair color, in Chicago. She eventually parlays a presidential loss into a secretary of stateship, graduating into the highest levels of politics. Age eventually takes its toll but not before her political triumphs in Syria, Lybia, Africa, Russia, China, and Westchester New York where she buys her third house declaring 'as God is my witness, I'll never go hungry again' .

  • alou - Incredible piece of work always been a fan of J ...

    Incredible piece of work always been a fan of J.Cole. He's been consistent and knows exactly what he is doing and where he is going with his career.

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