

All about medicine, health news. - cardiovascular, diagnostics, endocrinology, health insurance, medical devices, mental health, nutrition, oncology, public health, sexual health

  • Pediatric Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Linked To Video Games After Hurricane Ike - All about medicine, health news. - Hours after Hurricane Ike roared ashore in Texas, more than two million homes were without power, which left some scrambling to preserve food and others looking for ways to entertain children, a move that proved to be, in some instances, poisonous. Researchers at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston found that 75 percent of children treated for carbon monoxide poisoning caused by gasoline-powered electrical generators were playing video games
  • 62ND World Health Assembly Closes After Passing 15 Resolutions - All about medicine, health news. - WHO Member States had earlier agreed to shorten the Assembly from nine to five days in order to allow senior officials to return to their home countries to help oversee preparedness for a possible influenza pandemic.
  • Doctors In New Hampshire Now Treating Cancer With Non-Invasive Image-Guided Radiosurgery Using Novalis Tx(TM) Technology - All about medicine, health news. - Surgeons told Donald Bickford, 71, that due to the weakened condition of his lungs, ordinary surgery was not an option for removing his lung tumor. To treat the tumor, Arul Mahadevan, MD, radiation oncologist at Wentworth-Douglass Hospital here, prescribed a type of non-invasive radiosurgery using the Novalis Tx(TM) platform from Varian Medical Systems (NYSE: VAR) and BrainLAB.
  • DNA Computation Gets Logical At The Weizmann Institute Of Science - All about medicine, health news. - Biomolecular computers, made of DNA and other biological molecules, only exist today in a few specialized labs, remote from the regular computer user. Nonetheless, Tom Ran and Shai Kaplan, research students in the lab of Prof. Ehud Shapiro of the Weizmann Institutes Biological Chemistry, and Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Departments have found a way to make these microscopic computing devices user friendly, even while performing complex computations and answering complicated queries.
  • New National Study Finds Increase In P.E. Class-Related Injuries - All about medicine, health news. - Physical education (PE) in schools is one of the main tools used to increase physical activity and to prevent childhood obesity, and PE-related injuries are on the rise. Although increasing physical activity may reduce obesity, it may also increase the risk of injury. While recognizing that PE classes and physical activity are important components in combating obesity, parents and school administrators should remain vigilant for injuries. A recent study conducted by the Center for Injury Research and Policy of The Research Institute at Nationwide Childrens Hospital, found that the number of PE-related injuries to elementary, middle and high school students in the United States increased 150 percent between 1997 and 2007.
  • 'SIRT'ain Security: The Protein SIRT3 Protects The Heart - All about medicine, health news. - Sirtuin proteins have been shown to promote longevity in many organisms, and increased expression of one sirtuin protein, SIRT3, has been linked to increased human lifespan. New data, generated in mice, by Mahesh Gupta and colleagues, at the University of Chicago, Chicago, has revealed that Sirt3 helps protect the mouse heart.
  • Stanford Research Assesses Use Of Tamiflu, Relenza To Prevent Flu - All about medicine, health news. - Two common anti-influenza drugs - Relenza and Tamiflu - appear equally effective at preventing common flu symptoms when given before infection, say researchers from the Stanford University School of Medicine. However, data is lacking on the effectiveness and safety of the two drugs in vulnerable groups such as the very young and people with compromised immune systems.

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  • Love to cook - DO NOT BUY!!

    I used my Crock-Pot slow cooker for the first time yesterday--put soup in to cook for the day. Came home four hours later and the handle of the lid was laying in the soup and the lid was shattered. It's supposed to be shatter proof glass however there was glass all over my kitchen. I called the manufacturer today and they would not refund my money--said they would only send a replacement (I will NEVER have another Crock-Pot slow cooker in my house). I asked to reimbursed for the $14 worth of ingredients and she said they would not reimburse me. Dangerous/poor quality slow cooker and no customer service.

  • Cecilia - I would not buy this again.

    My best guess is it would take 5-6 cartridges and 4 months to MAYBE see a difference. I did my calfs and noticed a few spots of reduced hair growth- but never got to the point of not shaving. And the best part, if you get through $150 in cartridges and 4 months later, you get to start all over- because the hair is only gone for a few weeks!

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