Healthy and Happy Dog – This site is all about the health and happiness of your best friend. - Health and Happiness: the Canine-Human Connection Many of the advances in human healthcare and science can be attributed to the fact that we are able to try various medical treatments on our canine best friends before applying them to humans. This is because, from a physiological and biological perspective, humans and canines are very similar. In fact,… Healthy and Happy Dog – This site is all about the health and happiness of your best friend. - Health and Happiness: the Canine-Human Connection Billy - Healthy and HappyMany of the advances in human healthcare and science can be attributed to the fact that we are able to try various medical treatments on our canine best friends before applying them to humans. This is because, from a physiological and biological perspective, humans and canines are very… Billy’s Story – Healthy and Happy Dog - This website includes a timeline which outlines the key health related events in Billy's life. In this section, "Billy's Story", we hope to delve a little more deeply into the specifics of his health problems and explain how we came to our conclusions throughout this website. We adopted our husky mix Billy from Pets Unlimited in San Francisco at… Research – Healthy and Happy Dog - If you have read through Billy's health history or looked at Billy's timeline, you know we went through many medical issues with him. However, we never had answers from Billy's doctors as to why he was experiencing so many problematic health and behavioral conditions. Thus began our years-long intensive evaluation of over 100 peer-reviewed studies to come to an… Physical Effects of Spay – Healthy and Happy Dog - In the healthcare and scientific communities, systematic reviews are utilized to guide medical decisions as they provide an exhaustive summary of high-quality peer-reviewed studies relevant to a research question. The foundation for our segments which outline the positive and negative effects of spay/neuter is a 2007 summary of a systematic review of more than 50 peer… Behavioral Effects of Spay – Healthy and Happy Dog - The study "Non-reproductive Effects of Spaying and Neutering on Behavior in Dogs"57 utilizes the "Canine Behavioral Assessment and Research Questionnaire (C-BARQ)"15, the only peer-reviewed, reliable, standardized method for evaluating and screening dogs for the presence and severity of behavioral problems. The overarching conclusion of the study is: "For most behaviors, spaying is associated with worse behavior,… Countering the Effects of Spay – Healthy and Happy Dog - If your dog has already been spayed, there are some things you can do to help her live the healthiest and happiest life possible. The best chance you have to keep your dog healthy is to assess and confirm the point in time that her adrenal glands are no longer able to compensate for the loss of her… Physical Effects of Neuter – Healthy and Happy Dog - In the healthcare and scientific communities, systematic reviews are utilized to guide medical decisions as they provide an exhaustive summary of high-quality peer-reviewed studies relevant to a research question. The foundation for our segments which outline the positive and negative effects of spay/neuter is a 2007 systematic review of more than 50 peer reviewed studies 83 in the… Behavioral Effects of Neuter – Healthy and Happy Dog - The study "Non-reproductive Effects of Spaying and Neutering on Behavior in Dogs" 57 utilizes the "Canine Behavioral Assessment and Research Questionnaire (C-BARQ)" 15 , the only peer-reviewed, reliable, standardized method for evaluating and screening dogs for the presence and severity of behavioral problems. The overarching conclusion of the study is: "For most behaviors, neutering is associated with… Countering the Effects of Neuter – Healthy and Happy Dog - If your dog has already been neutered, there are some things you can do to help him live the healthiest and happiest life possible. The key to keeping your dog healthy is to assess and confirm the point in time that his adrenal glands are no longer able to compensate for the loss of his testes and… Orthopedic Disorders – Healthy and Happy Dog - In this section we will present the developmental orthopedic joint disorders early spay/neuter produces. At the heart of the matter is how spay/neuter affects the dog's hormones. When a dog's reproductive organs are surgically removed, the "sex hormones" they produce in large part disappear, at least temporarily. The sex hormones are responsible for more than… Hip Dysplasia – Healthy and Happy Dog - The issue of abnormal development in the absence of gonadal (sex) hormones is the common thread among the studies implicating spay/neuter as a causal factor in the development of hip dysplasia. In the presence of sex hormones, the closure of bony growth plates generally occurs when the dog is between the ages of 4 and 18 months. Spaying… Cranial Cruciate Ligament Tear – Healthy and Happy Dog - In 2007, a study 67 was conducted at the Veterinary School of Colorado State University whose objective was to identify risk factors for development of excessive tibial plateau angle (TPA) in large-breed dogs with cranial cruciate ligament disease. Excessive TPA is a known risk factor for the development of cranial cruciate ligament tears or rupture.… Elbow Dysplasia – Healthy and Happy Dog - This is perhaps the cruelest of the three orthopedic disorders discussed on this site. The 2014 study at UC Davis 61 confirms early neutering (or spaying) is a major risk factor for a dog developing elbow dysplasia. Briefly, spay/neuter delays the closure of growth plates on long bones, provided the spay or neuter occurs before the growth… Diseases Overview – Healthy and Happy Dog - Once your dog is spayed or neutered, for the rest of your dog’s life, their organ systems will be struggling to create some type of hormonal balance. Failure to maintain hormonal balance can lead to catastrophic outcomes. Clearly, the concept of spay/neuter to curb overpopulation and perhaps make dogs more manageable did not take into account the possible unintended consequences.… Hormones and the Endocrine System – Healthy and Happy Dog - As described in the Diseases Overview section, the adrenal glands produce hormones that are directly or indirectly involved in most major bodily functions. After spay/neuter, the adrenal glands must take on the additional burden of producing sex hormones to compensate for the loss of the reproductive organs. Dogs whose adrenal glands are overwhelmed by the additional requirements and cannot maintain hormonal balance… Cancer – Healthy and Happy Dog - A documented outcome of spay/neuter is an increased incidence of certain types of cancer. It is consistent with the theory that spay/neuter results in a compromised immune system which is not able to effectively eliminate cancers at the cellular stage (otherwise known as cancer immunosurveillance). There are six types of cancer that have been researched with respect to… The Legal Issues of Dog Sterilization – Healthy and Happy Dog - In this section, we will discuss the legal impediments which must be overcome to achieve our goal of including vasectomies and tubal ligations as legally viable options for sterilization of our canine companions. We will help the reader determine if their state allows the substitution of tubal ligation/vasectomy for traditional spay/neuter. If your particular state… Bibliography – Healthy and Happy Dog - The following studies were referenced in the production of the material on this website: Burrow R, Batchelor D, Cripps P. Complications observed during and after ovariohysterectomy of 142 bitches at a veterinary teaching hospital. Vet Rec. 2005 Dec 24-31;157(26):829-33. Pollari FL, Bonnett BN, Bamsey, SC, Meek, AH, Allen, DG (1996) Postoperative complications of elective surgeries… Contact – Healthy and Happy Dog - If you have any comments/feedback, Healthy and Happy Dog would love to hear from you. The Facts About Lifespan – Healthy and Happy Dog - The objective of this webpage is to defuse the myth that spayed and neutered dogs enjoy a longer and healthier lifespan than their intact counterparts. We will provide credible studies and information which supports our contention that spay/neuter is actually detrimental to the health and happiness of our dogs. The foundation for our discussions on this website regarding the…
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Alex - Quality control issues inexcusable for price of productI have two of these keyboards: a Chroma that I use at work, and an Ultimate that I use at home. While they keyboards look and feel great, I've experienced problems with the switches on multiple keys with both keyboards. Sometimes, when I type a key, the switch will get stuck down so that the key command keeps repeating. For example, sometimes I'll be typing and the last letter of a word will repeat like thissssssssssssssssss until I either hit the key again or press another key. Sometimes it'll happen with the backspace key, and the next thing I know I've lost 2 sentences.
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Priamsdaughter - Please read this before installing the Avast Free Antivirus softwareI had the oddest experience with the Avast Free Antivirus. Mere minutes after I downloaded it I went back to Amazon to buy a few things. To my astonishment, when I clicked on various products preparatory to buying them a large red banner appeared at the top of the screen informing me that I could buy that same product at Ebay for $4 ( or whatever the particular sum was---in some cases no Ebay ad appeared presumably because that product was not offered on Ebay or because there's no price differential) less. I was amazed --why would Amazon undercut itself? I performed a quick Google search to see if I had not noticed Amazon has purchased Ebay but apparently there has been no such purchase. I went back on Amazon and returned to the type of product i.e, cosmetics, that had triggered all of the Ebay advertising banners. Once again they appeared. The only explanation I could find for their appearance was that Avast permitted this. Given that I have the new Norton all-inclusive fire wall etc. that is the only explanation. As soon as I deleted the Avast program the . Ebay banners disappeared. I called a computer nerd I know and his explanation was that either the Avast program was hacked or that the incorporation of Ebay ads was one way the Avast program pays for itself. The bottom line is that I would recommend the Avast program be avoided because it is not clear what other baggage may come with its installation.
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