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  • Adam Adiment - BC as BS

    I read the news rather frequently and it made this book interesting. To read the life of Bill Clinton in the news is to be introduced to the best book John Le Carre can't bring himself to write in his descent into old age, screaming, leftist marxist, party before values, curmudgeon-hood. To read his life in this book is a completely different story divorced from reality. It ignores Amazon, one of my absolute favorite places, removing bad reviews of his wife's book simply because they want to win an election. I doubt he didn't not talk to someone about this. It ignores him and his wife stealing money from Haiti relief funds and the many obvious issues with his charity including selling his wife's influence while in the state department and in the future with her potential presidency. It ignores his many racist comments and actions like his references to Obama being the help less than 7 years before his run for his first term as president or his joining in with his wife on attacking Bernie Sanders Jewishness. It ignores the fact he spends more time with sociopath Euro Trash, hedge fund rapists like Jeffrey Epstein, and quite literal warlords from around the globe instead of helping any kind of actual person in need. Let's not forget the continuing pile up of dead bodies too like that one Hilary staffer who suddenly died who may or may not have been the guy to leak Hilary's emails to Wikileaks. Like I said it's a shame John Le Carre quit having real liberal convictions and became a party man cause this material is ripe. He's like Kevin Spacey on House of Cards but worse cause he's married to an even more psychotic Lady MacBeth.

  • corey campbell - lucas hands down!!

    I've used Lucas in all my cars and truck. My current Chevy 2500hd crew cab has 120,000 miles. I bought at 100,000 1 year ago. With adding 10,000 miles without oil change then Lucas then 10,000 more. Truck still runs brand new!!! No matter how hard I'm on my vechiels change oil, filter, and add Lucas every year. Put 20,000 miles on my truck towing and hills between changes no leaks runs perfect!!!

  • KEVIN DURANT - Poor performance

    I had a creator product in the past and that software was great. I assumed because of it's predessors I would hang my hat on that reputation, however it would appear that limited in its abilities and software probroblems right out the box. Returned the product because I could not get it to work.

  • loftylanachgo - This worked to stop my kitty's spraying after we moved!

    After moving, one of my two kitties promptly began spraying/marking in the hallway of the new home. (The previous tenant had a cat; even new carpet didn't stop the behavior.) Feliway alone is not enough, though! It did ease the stress, mewling and did stop her from marking, due to stress of the move and possibly the scent of previous tenant's cat. KEY things to do for this problem: Make sure the litterbox is in a good location -- definitely NOT where a previous tenant had his (even if you've repainted and installed new carpet; cat still can detect other cat.) Also be certain that box is always immaculate. (I never had to scoop daily all these last 17 years, until this move; just sayin'.) When marking occurs, clean it immediately and use the proper stuff to get RID of that odor/neutralizer. Spray Feliway on the marked spot once a day. Plug in your diffuser in the marking area/s. Give a LOT of extra attention to your spraying kitty. I also used Bach's Rescue Remedy for pets in her food, two or three times a day. You know you're good to go when kitty starts marking the walls and doors with her *face* instead of pee. Feliway is awesome!

  • sue g - Always interesting

    Always interesting. Love the cartoon on the cover. Articles and interviews of how chefs got started, kept going and what they would do differently, if anything, if they could do it all again.

  • Amazon Customer - I bought this projector from amazon about 2 weeks ago ...

    I bought this projector from amazon about 2 weeks ago. I waited to open it until I moved in to my new house, however, after 2 days of messing with it and purchasing speakers I still can not get the sound to work. I finally found a number for customer service (after looking online for one since the number was not listed anyway in the manual), but their only response was most people get speakers so try that. As I said, speakers have done nothing to help the situation. I believe this item will be returned to amazon.

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