Review: - Lupin - View - Lupin MENU Our World About Us Chairmans Message Research (R&D) Global Manufacturing Our Business Formulations API Drug Delivery Systems Biotechnology Partner With Us CSO Overview Milestones Life at Lu

Country:, North America, US

City: -94.566 Missouri, United States

  • minerv - I need the seller to contact me because I have a problem with this product. the blades seem to have rusted already and will not

    This product meets all my needs for a clean shaven head. It's light enough to hold for a reasonable amount of time and the blades give good results. It is easy and convenient for travel....good product!

  • Jennifer - Amazing photo lighting!

    I sell makeup and much of my business relies on the selfies I post on social media to show the products in action. I don't have a fancy camera, just my iPhone which isn't the best in photo quality. I am always struggling with lighting too. I heard about this and ordered asap, and so far no regrets. The pictures come out great in dark lit rooms, even when no other lights are on. Now I am satisfied with most of the photos right off the bat instead of having to take 20 to find a good one!

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