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Country:, North America, US

City: -122.0574 California, United States

  • Black endorsement - this stuff works, even for Black people

    Something that many people of color know when shopping for personal care products is to pay very close attention to whether or not a particular product works for "us" as well. Well this stuff does. I don't think I will realistically ever be able to grow waves again, but using this product at least buys me a few days before my balding spot becomes too noticeable. I also happened to have a prescription for Tretinoin from my dermatologist and read articles online that using the two products together can enhance hair growth. So I use both, only using the Tretinoin in the mornings.

  • Dan Dahl - not a bad learning toll.

    have learned more than I thought I would from it. still not done learning from it. will say onr thing it's a lot cheaper than a tech school.

  • Ramen Girl - Free my butt!

    Free version sucks! Keep getting offers while in the middle of other processes! Wouldn't leave me alone, so I uninstalled. AFTER uninstalling, my computer wouldn't work right. Sluggish, keypad, keyboard, internet all buggy! Thanks a lot Avast! should not be allowing this to go on. UNINSTALLED. Free my butt! Free problems maybe...

  • Linda Lou - Works very well and works best at night before bedtime

    Works well. Just have to take some time in getting used to the gel action. Sometimes if it doesn't go into the eyeball directly, you might get some on your skin and see the gel in action! Not harmful but you need a steady hand when aiming for the eyeballs.

  • Barry - happy customer

    We are pleased with the product and the outcome. The countertops turned out great (with a few blemishes...our fault) As an overall it is more more work to prepare than the actual application. The spreader could have been better as it made a mess throwing the chips every direction.........something that could be improved. If we did it again we would spread the chips by hand to avoid a mess and get better coverage. Overall a great product at a minimal price to re-do laminate.

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