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  • Amazon Customer - Just buy it!

    I am an 'Age Grouper' triathlete on a shestring budget so every dollar I spend needs to be spent wisely. I have been traing hard for 5 years and tried MANY training devices. The MOOVE now is by far my most important training tool. Its all about the data and nothing does it wuite like it. I can't wait to see the future improvements Im sure will only enhance the user experience. If you just 'need to know' where your at and how to get to where you want to be. Buy this as you will not be dissappointed!!

  • Jessica Rosamond - FAKE

    Me and a friend both ordered this product and it did not work at all. There was a review on here that said if you contact her she will send you before and after pics well she has been contacted by multiple people and hasnt responded. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY!!! I did this because I had a perfect stop and stare ass (not my words) but had health problems pop up and unwillingly lost about 20 pounds and being a female it automatically comes off of your butt and breasts then follows up in the other areas. Hopefull little me buys these sure as hell they would work and there is no change what so ever. So ladys a word of advice save your money stock up on your protien and milk (whole milk has a high fat content which helps with weight gain in these areas) and do butt excersises :) i hope this review will save people from a waste of time and money. PS the manufacture of this product should be ashamed of theirself I sure as hell would be if I scammed hundreds of women out of money.

  • Hans - Security Software Review

    The installation was easy and fast. It did not slow down the performance of the computer and the software is great to have to protect my computer from threats. Thanks McAfee!

  • Richard Souder - I've only ridden this bike once since I've gotten it ...

    I've only ridden this bike once since I've gotten it, but I got it crazy early! It arrived seven days before I was expecting it! This is my very first road bike, so I don't have anything to compare it to, but I have no complaints thus far!

  • Nikita D. Martin - Christian Propoganda Disaster

    I was really excited to see this film...I actually thought initially that it would be "The Odessey" another 2012 film which is a documentary but quickly realized that it was actually a film that acted out a storyline based on 2012 prophecies. At this point I was still interested to see how the film would come together, and was even willing to completely bypass the terrible acting in order to see 2012 come to life in a way that I've only imagined from some of the books and research I've done myself. Let me say now, that not only was the acting horrendous, the storyline sucked, and I felt like I was watching a really corny version of Touched by an Angel. The whole flick completely took chosen bits and pieces of the ancient Mayan prophecy and made it into a Christian propoganda film. I am a Christian so I can appreciate my faith and appreciate what it is I believe in, but watching someone take two separate and completely different prophecies to try and sell the apocolypse honestly just pissed me off. I like how the people 'called' to do the Lord's work were all American, and the females were two blondes who questioned their belief in a higher being. The whole rapture thing being tied with the whole mayan temple thing...completely broken, made NO sense and I feel like I just lost an hour and a half of my life watching that garbage. If you really want to know about 2012, check out the History Channel's video on it, or "The Oddessy" so that you can get an unsensored, real version that makes alot more sense and isn't trying to sell nonbelievers a bogus version of the story. I hope you read this before you waste your money, it was a complete mess.

  • lab girl - Loved it!!!!

    Loved it! I thought this was a fantastic book. I read it in an afternoon, which is a good thing because I really really wanted to find out how it ended! I would highly recommend this book to anyone. It's got drama, romance and a great ending. I voluntarily read an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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