

International Journal of Pharmacy - Pharma Scholars Library - International Journal of Pharmacy is the most highly rated peer-reviewed research journal in pharmaceutical sciences category and publishes the latest research works relevant to pharmacy and other allied sciences. The journal publishes full-length research articles that describe original and fundamental findings of significance that contribute to pharmaceutical sciences, as well as shorter communications reporting significant new findings, technical notes / case studies on new methodologies. Review articles are also warmly welcomed. ISSN : 2249-1848. www.

Country:, Asia, AE

City: 54 , United Arab Emirates

  • Mary Eschenlohr - Super good

    5 stars because whenever i lay in my bed and i cant sleep, i start reading Archie Comic. Brovo Archie

  • Mark Jacobson - It's a great small gaming keyboard.

    I love the sound of the keyboard, I love the lighting effects and how they can be customized, and I love how well built the keyboard feels.

  • Krysta - Really works to help you relax and fall asleep, but non-drowsy!!!

    I drink this every night and I love it! I used to always lay in bed for about an hour every night before I could fall asleep. But with this I can just fall right asleep. It does NOT make me drowsy though. I know that seems like a contradiction, but I have baby and I can still jump right out of bed in the middle of the night to tend to her if she cries without feeling like I am drugged or sedated or anything. I feel perfectly normal. It's just that I can now relax and fall asleep easily. It somehow just stops me from struggling with my my mind being too active when I am trying to fall asleep. I guess it just makes me more "calm," hahaha! Not that I previously felt un-calm, I just couldn't get my mind to relax and fall asleep. And if I skip a night of drinking it, I go right back to struggling with falling asleep. I drink about 1-2 tsp each night about an hour before bed.

  • TSmith - Don't waste your money on this game.

    Got the demo and played it, it was just enough to get me excited about the game so I purchased it via DirectToDrive - Fileplanet. I've been a long time member of both.

  • Tom Ace - This is the best chromebook on the market and 2nd place is not ...

    This is the best chromebook on the market and 2nd place is not even close. I bought one through best buy. When my mom decided to retire her laptop, which is easily compared to a 1989 for escort, she wanted something simple. She still emails and texts me how she can't believe how fast and simple it is to use. Full HD and the best keyboard in the chromebook line up. Backlit, too! YOu dont need the i3 processor. I dont see how this machine could perform multiple tasks quicker. Id give it more stars if Amazon allowed me to.

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