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  • Frayed Knot - CROOKED COMPANY!

    I paid for a year of being able to use this program. These A HOLE sneak a monthly fee on top of your purchase PER EMPLOYEE to use it. 9 months in they are now telling me I need to repurchase the program so I can get the deduct to calculate PLUS PAY A MONTHLY FEE! WTF would I buy a program for, if it won't do simple deductions? CROOKED CROOKED SCUMBAG COMPANY!

  • David Morach - Install a pain

    All I wanted to do is key in my new authorization number to continue my subscription. Once there was a way; now there is NO CLEAR PATH to do so! The only reference to renew is to purchase the the product from Best Buy. I had to proceed unnecessarily through the entire process and install the product as a new customer. I ended up losing a couple of weeks coverage on one machine. What a bunch of bull!

  • L. Marchesani - Feels Soft and Smooth

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  • JAshopwise - The item is so easy to use

    Very reliable item.I gave this to my sister for her kids and it is very helpful especially for the weather change and kids got sick.

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