

Shipman & Goodwin LLP - A full-service law firm representing businesses, institutions, individuals and government entities in Connecticut, DC, New York and nationally.

Country:, North America, US

City: -74.0468 New Jersey, United States

  • Phil Winn - Back Pain

    I have had back pain for years from an accident on a boat that caused a disc to slip out in my lower back. After years of pain and discomfort I finally had surgery that fixed my back problem. I still had some pain on some days but not like before. I was getting my yard ready for the growing season and I have a riding lawnmower that I was on and off a hundred times that day and the last time I felt my back starting to hurt. Couple of days passed and I was taking some medicine to help the pain and discomfort but no help. I went to the doctor and he gave me stronger medicine and a week went by with no results. I went back demanding a MRI to see what I did and he told me to hold out and it will get better. Another week went by and no results so I went back and he told me about Back2like. I went home and ordered it that day and within four days it arrived. I opened it that night and did two rounds. The next morning I told my wife that I just spent another $200.00 on a worthless piece of exercise equipment. I did another couple of sets that day and the next morning I woke up with no back pain. I tell all my friends about the back2life and how it helps me with my back pain.

  • ioweejun - Not recommended with Windows 10, at least as configured by Amazon/ASUS at time of purchase

    As others have indicated Amazon/ASUS are delivering this PC with a 5000rpm HDD despite advertising as 7000. This HDD is excruciatingly slow. My rating is based on this configuration and would be much better with an SSD or the advertised 7000rpm HDD. With Windows 10 this combination results in maxed out disk access for 10 to 15 minutes after power on and start menu items have loaded. Windows indexing (turning off kills backup) and Windows telemetry (Microsoft snooping) appear to be the main culprits. Sleep mode recovery results in same though for a shorter period. The PC is essentially unusable during this period.

  • John - Major issues with PS4

    I'm not exactly sure what's wrong with this game, but the game play is absolutely horrendous. The camera works fine when I'm in the Playroom, but when I use it for the game it doesn't detect half the moves and barely detects other players. I'm not sure if UBI Soft will fix the problem with a patch or that I should return the game. I wouldn't recommend the PS4 version to anyone in the current state. I would wait to see if UBI Soft patches or updates the game and solves the problem before purchasing.

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