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  • motox851 - This belt is great as another tool to use while getting into or ...

    If you are looking to buy this product to lose fat, don't buy it. If you want to build abs by doing nothing other than using this belt, don't buy it.

  • Deengo! - Great action camera

    Great action camera! Being able to sport this around attempting to do thr best action clip is reassuring: thr fish eye lens is spectacular… I made a side-by-side comparison with a GOPRO Hero3 and it's quite s challenge btween the 2. The slowmo is also cool and the accessories are very good quality. I use this camera for airsoft, cross country and cruising with my plus bike. All the movies taken are superb! It's a good machine to get one started with an action cam and satisfy any need to record your wild adventures. The only reason for not giving this a 5-star is the applet, almost useless. I was planning to rely on my iTouch for viewing and managing the movies taken but thd app just isn't capable to handle it.

  • Randy - H&R Bock has lost a customer

    I have used H&R Block for at least the last 10 years to do my taxes, and had never had an issue with the software until this year.

  • D. Ebben - I liked the Chromebook 2 first edition, and I LOVE the 2015 Edition

    I've had the 2014 edition of the Chromebook 2 for almost a year -and love it- but when I heard about the 2015 Edition having a backlit keyboard and more power, I had to get it. Just yesterday received the 2015 Edition, and my first impression is great. The keyboard backlight and extra power are nice, but I was surprised that the keyboard also 'feels' and types better. And it seems a touch thinner and lighter as well. The more I use this Chromebook, I find that it is replacing both the desktop computer AND the tablet as my go-to devices. It's small, light and the battery lasts all day. It boots up super fast and never needs 'updating'. And that screen! Oops I better shut up; I'm starting to sound like a commercial.....

  • Mariee Vega - ... to my face if you are looking for a great washing detergent well look no further you found it

    I purchased this at the galleria mall only because the sales lady follwed me into icings any who I regret purchasing this because it removed a deep stain off my shirt so I can imagine what it would do to my face if you are looking for a great washing detergent well look no further you found it...

  • some mom - Really helped me recover from Pneumonia

    I have a compromised immune system and when I came down with pneumonia a dear friend of mine let me use some of her Raven oil, I was surprised at how much it helped me breathe easier. I bought a bottle and started putting it on my chest at least once/day. I'm convinced that this combined with regular sessions of cupping my back and chest to help clear out gunk in my lungs helped me heal faster.

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