voltared.com.webslookup.com Review:



voltared.com - This is a Value Report about voltared.com, Giving it a value upwards of $37 USD by our system, Comprehensive reference data Include:Alexa Rank, Google Rank, Search Engine and Social Media.

Country:, North America, US

City: -77.4512 Virginia, United States


    This product was sent to me in a plastic envelope with just three UNSEALED loose bottles. You can only assume that the contents of these bottles really contain 5% minoxidil. You actually have no idea what you are putting on your scalp. If the bottles come from Costco unsealed, then you should receive them in a box that is sealed. No product information or applicator was included so there is no way for me to even apply the mystery contents. Please also note that it is not returnable. This was a very BAD and REGRETTABLE purchase for me.

  • lizzyj47 - Hot Cream, Feel Great On That Pain

    As a person with cronic pain and fybromyalgia along with arthritus, i manage to try just about every product i can on the market. This cream is made from many natural ingredients, im not going to list them, you can look at the ad for the cream and they are all listed, but i will say helping with natural ingredients is the way to go. this cream works better than icy hot and bengay which neither do anything for me. It comes in a jar 8.8 oz, and it seems to go quite a ways. The orange color is deceiving, i thought i was gonna turn orange, not so, it blends in nicely. It has a pepermint odor which is one my favorite, certainly better than ben gay or some of those so called pain relievers. When rubbed in, it feels warm, not overly hot but warm and soothing, rubbed in, it takes the pain away for probably a half to three quarters of an hour. the main thing for me is its a relief and i put more on. I like the fact it was not ever used on animals, is made from natural ingredients and is less expensive than a lot of other pain creams that do not work nearly as well. I would definitely recommend it. As for the claim for cellulite, i honestly can not tell you as i use it strictly for pain.

  • Jack Jerrod Gardner - Not for me

    The product is no good, don't waste your money, well if you live near your radio station, or if you never listen to the radio and want it for the looks, then it's for you. If you live in rural south Ga. USA then it's not a good product I live about 19 miles from radio station and getting static an skip, I put the one that came with the vehicle back on an through this one in the tool shed

  • Dominique - I really like this product

    I really like this product. If gives you insane energy for workouts. I'm not sure why you would take this product if you're not workout out. It really did keep me UP! (Don't take it less than 4 hours before bed)

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