www.cbwchc.org Review:



Charles B. Wang Community Health Center - The Charles B. Wang Community Health Center is a non-profit, community based health care facility established to ensure that Asian-American in New York City have access to quality health care.

Country:, North America, US

City: -73.9826 New York, United States

  • jamarty - The only game in town - and still has a very low adoption rate. Here's why.

    Quicken could be a great product that everybody uses - there is no alternative with anything close to Quicken's level of functionality. So why did I finally throw in the towel, ask for a refund and decide to just live without those features? As many other reviewers have pointed out here, the company treats their customers like crap.

  • R. Atkins - INTENTIONALLY broken for TiVo conversion, despite advertised ability

    I am trying to use Creator 2012 to convert TiVo video to DVD. I have multiple files from multiple channels: CBS, TCM, PBS, Showtime, etc. In every case, I receive the message "This folder contains files protected with Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology. DRM protected files cannot be added to a project, so they will not be displayed."

  • Young - Great Item

    The item when arrived in the mail was exactly what I ordered and wanted. The check registries had current year dates of this year and next 2 years on it which was very pleasing.

  • Bob Beckey - Great improvement. Money well spent.

    I changed to this SSD from a regular HDD because after about 4.5 years the Windows 7 boot time for my desktop had gotten as long as 10 minutes to be completely finished. A clean install of Windows 7 on this drive boots in about 15 seconds from the time I push the power button to a working desktop. Shut down takes about 6 seconds. Most programs open almost instantly.

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