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Christian Faith – About Jesus Christ, Bible teaching, Testimonies, Salvation, Prayer, Faith, Holy Networking - About Jesus Christ, Bible teaching, Testimonies, Salvation, Prayer, Faith, Holy Networking

  • http://www.christian-faith.com/articles/salvation-teachings Salvation Teachings - Salvation is what God has provided through Jesus Christ to reverse the fall.This sections discussed forgiveness, spiritual regeneration, deliverance from curses, healing, the transformation of the mind and more. Learn more in the articles below.
  • http://www.christian-faith.com/true-stories-testimonies-of-jesus-christ/ Christian Testimonies - True Stories of God at Work - Christian testimonies - amazing stories of divine intervention from all over the world. Reports of supernatural healing, deliverance, changed lives and answered prayer.
  • http://www.christian-faith.com/bible-teachings-articles/ Bible Studies, Articles, Teachings of the Word of God - Solid foundational teaching of the Bible that will help you relate well to our living supernatural God.
  • http://www.christian-faith.com/the-bible-the-word-of-god/ The Bible – the Word of God - A Christian statement of the nature of the Bible. Examines what it is, what it can do for you, its inspiration and why you should listen to its message.
  • http://www.christian-faith.com/repentance/ Repentance from Deads Works - Dead works are all those things relating to self which God did not ordain or approve. Turning from such things - whether they take a carnal or a legalistic form - is vital for those of us who wish to have an authentic relationship and communication with God.
  • http://www.christian-faith.com/faith-in-god/ Faith in God - What is faith in God? What can it do? Learn how to develop powerful faith in God that moves mountains and gets answers to prayer.
  • http://www.christian-faith.com/prayer-intimacy-with-god/ Prayer - Intimacy with God - Christian teaching of what prayer is and how to be effective in your prayer life to get to know God personally and get answers to prayer too! Covers principles of faith, and different ways to pray.
  • http://www.christian-faith.com/articles/the-holy-spirit-and-power/ Walking in the Holy Spirit and Power - Articles on the Holy Spirit, receiving and manifesting power for ministry, demonstrating the gospel, living in fellowship with God.
  • http://www.christian-faith.com/practical-wisdom-about-hearing-the-voice-of-god/ Practical wisdom on hearing the voice o God - Why we sometimes don't hear God and how we can know when we heard God under a variety of situations.

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