www.colegiosprofesionales.es Review:


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Colegios Profesionales - La herramienta global perfecta para los Colegios Profesionales - Web, Programa de gestión, APP y mucho más... - La herramienta global perfecta para los Colegios Profesionales. Página Web, Programa de gestión, APP para móvil y mucho más. ¡Cuide a sus colegiados como se merecen!

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  • Poor Richard - Really works

    Used this on my partners bedding and other areas where he has leaked. Worked like a charm. One application, and the smells are all gone. Did the mattress, some chairs, worked everywhere. Great stuff.

  • Pinball - Throw away the scope, You wont need it.

    Mine was for the PS3, and my advise is, don't even bother with "calibration" if you have a big screen TV. Which is kinda silly cause I always thought a hunting game would be better on a 50 inch than a 27 inch. My opinion is that the problem lies with the sensor bar. It is only 7 inches center to center between the sensing eyes. A better solution would have been two separate "modules" each with a single eye, that mounted at the edge of the screen. Then it could be at eye level,(rather than sitting on top of the screen or on the table the screen is sitting on) and far enough apart so that when the gun was pointed at the full left or full right of the screen, the gun would not become "Invisible" to the sensor array as it does now. After about an hour of frustration and a scope that couldn't even put the crosshairs in the same county, I realised that the crosshairs on the screen (game generated) were all I needed to play the game. Probably why "Cabellas Dangerous Hunts 2013" comes with a "shotgun" (no scope) with a flattened barrel, (more accomodating of the extreme angles needed for big screen play) but the same inadequate sensor bar. Arguably a better arrangement than a standard controller but not by much. Perhaps another couple of years of development will yield a system that is to shooting games as the xbox wireless steering wheel(no longer available from xbox, this I will never understand) was to driving games.

  • donna l. m. g. - Happy about my purchase!

    My 3 pack Easy Read checkbook Register was just what I wanted.Since getting older I need to have larger print to make it easier so I won,t make mistakes.The price was very good compared to the other ones I could have bought. My books came in the mail pretty quick too! Thank you.

  • Amanda Neese - Two margaritas and this expansion pack make for a wonderfully fun time

    Two margaritas and this expansion pack make for a wonderfully fun time. Card quality is good, crazy phrases, super silly. Would buy again and would give it to my adult friends. HA! Too fun!

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