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    Country:, South America, BR

    City: -43.2192 , Brazil

  • David - Nice Little AV

    This AV had good reviews, and this is what we use at my workplace. The install was simple, and the use is simple. Other AV products I have had in the past included Norton (never again), McAfee (disastrous), and Malwarbytes (does not claim to be a full AV)

  • smiles - This magical potion worked like a charm the next day it was practically gone

    We live in Florida and a year after we bought our house we saw green moss all over the screens on the screen in patio... This magical potion worked like a charm the next day it was practically gone... A week later no green miss to be found, we later used it on the shed in the backyard the green moss was completely gone within a week or less also. beware its concentrated so you'll need a sprayer to mix water in

  • David Winfree - Works great, not too hard to install

    Works great, not too hard to install. Survived its first severe winter. ICE Dams: We had lots.... Half the house had the Leaf Out installed. No correlation regards the ice dams. LeafsOut do not cause ice damming. I will say that when the ice dams let go, they will slide off the gutter guards. Without the gutter guards, the ice tends to be trapped by the gutter and sit there until it melts.

  • David D - Worth the aggravation

    Plan on using 1 of these every couple of months on your skeeter vac. It works nicely capturing biting flies (deer, horse etc...) plus mosquitos and gnat/no see-ums. It fills up pretty quick in my yard (New England), We have a 4-4 1/2 month mosquito season, theres a million of the little vampires in the air during that time though. I dont know if the attractant really has much of an effect but these are definately worth it for me.

  • Winnie Duensing - Great for Bible Study!

    It is a very good resource Bible. I'm using it in a Bible Study class and it is a great help in understanding scripture. I had a little trouble navigating at times but I appreciate the additional perspective not provided my other Bibles, both Kindle and paper.

  • Greg Hastings - Scariest Harvest Party will forever haunt school.

    I brought two bags of these to my son's school for their Harvest party because of the new sugar free and healthy eating initiatives. All appeared well. The kids were thrilled to have something that wasn't carrot sticks or clementine pumpkins. Within a few minutes the munchkins had polished off the first bag and were tearing into the second.

  • Amzn Shopper - Just Like The Gym - Only Better!

    When our gym membership expired, my husband and I decided to purchase our own equipment. We researched treadmills for a couple of months before deciding on the Sole F80. Now that we've had it for a few days, I can easily see we made the right choice. It's very quiet and solidly built. As others have said, it is VERY heavy. We had 2 men here to meet the delivery truck. It was delivered by ABF Freight. The delivery driver was extremely nice and offered to help the guys bring the treadmill up the steps and into the house, something he was not required to do. After it was inside, my husband put it together by himself. It only took him about 20 minutes. Do be careful of the wiring in the handles. The way the screws go in, they could very easily get cut. My husband stuffed the wires down into the handles and put a piece of electrical tape over them. That worked perfectly to keep them out of the way. Something not mentioned in the description, or the manual we downloaded from Sole's website is that the treadmill has a jack to plug in your iPod (they even include the cable) and another jack to plug in your earbuds. It also has speakers. This is great for me because I don't like having my iPod clipped to my clothing while I run. Anyway, we are loving this machine!

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