www.hukuken.com.tr Review:



Anasayfa - Her türlü kurumsallık danışmanlık konusunda uzmanlaşmış olan şirketimizin resmi web alanıdır.

Country:, Asia, TR

City: 28.9948 , Turkey

  • Amazon Customer - Did no work for me

    Simply put, it did not work for me. Job offer got withdrawn. All my fault obviously but I'll say if you are getting a hair follicle test done get 90 days clean beforehand.

  • Rachel - Nice board, horrible planchet.

    Planchet not very high quality and doesn't have very good or quick movement across the board. Other than that piece, this is a nice board and very cool with blacklights on in the room. Ended up just using a shot glass and had much better reaction and mobility across the board.

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