www.liquidcmo.com Review:


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  • Autumn - I think I got the opposite effect. I had ...

    I think I got the opposite effect. I had not smoked in 2 months, and just to be safe I drank this stuff, and where my home tests were showing negative, I went to the lab after drinking a bottle of this stuff and got a positive. I needed this job so badly. Now I'm screwed. After waiting for this stuff to get out of my system entirely, I tested negative again. There is something in it that gives a false positive. I am still out of a job and very soon to be homeless because of this.

  • Karen and Chuck DeKar - This Uptown Retinol Cream is amazing. I have been using it for some time ...

    This Uptown Retinol Cream is amazing. I have been using it for some time now and my face feels and looks smoother, tighter and younger. I have very fair and sensitive skin and most of these kinds of products burn my skin. I have to be very careful, however, I am applying this once a day and there have been no red marks or burns. It is great. The only real problem I have with this is that there is a handy dandy lit that you should be able to press and the product is distributed. I however, can't get that to work....not really a problem, just take off the lid and use it. Again, I recommend anyone who had sensitive skin to try this product (first try it on an inconspicuous area of skin, I use my neck). It is great!!

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