www.ms-gateway.be Review:



Multiple Sclerose: Uitleg, Oorzaak, Diagnose & Behandeling - Wat is Multiple Sclerose? Compleet overzicht van MS als ziekte waaronder oorzaak, diagnose, symptomen, soorten, behandeling en veel meer nuttige informatie.

  • http://www.ms-gateway.be/over-ons/ Wie Zijn We: MS Gateway - MS Gateway heeft als groep het doel om mensen zo goed mogelijk te informeren over MS. Deze ziekte is slecht gekend bij mensen en daar willen we bij helpen.
  • http://www.ms-gateway.be/category/blog/ Blog met het laatste Multiple Sclerose nieuws - Lees het allerlaatste MS nieuws hier om up to date te blijven met deze ziekte.
  • http://www.ms-gateway.be/contactformulier/ Contacteer Ons - MS Gateway - Zit je met vragen na het lezen van onze informatieve website over MS. Of wil je jouw verhaal delen? Neem dat contact met ons op via het contactformulier.

    Country:, Europe, NL

    City: 4.5 South Holland, Netherlands

  • Not happy - Not happy

    I purchased the mix, the taste was fine; Not great. I didn't see any over the moon results that would have justified the cost for me. However, the biggest issue for me was when I was ship a second and even a third box after request for them to stop shipping and charging me for this product. I was then offered a 90% credit after I paid the cost of shipping for their mistake. I was not happy nor impress with their customer service. I don't recommend this product or company to anyone.

  • Just-can't-stop-shop - My favorite antivirus

    Great price, and great software. Never had a problem with a virus getting through nor does Webroot ever take over my computer with constant scans slowing the processor down. Have been using for 3 years now over Norton which caused several problems and let a virus in.

  • Amber ODell - My feet are forever grateful to the inventor of this product.

    Okay I'm not going to lie I was very skeptical of this product. But we all dream of having the perfect smooth feet. I have since bought 4. I use them about every 2 months. I waited to write the review to see how long it would last and the tips I could give to make it work even better for you. The first time I used it I didn't read up on all the best ways to use it.

  • John T. Kesil - Seiki

    i was watching a old 60" and it finally shot out so although skeptical like everybody i'm sure was cause of the off brand. i got it for 800 the old TV was standard most likely but to me good picture. but watching the new one after tweaking it like color, contrast etc. my standard cause i do not have HD is great even in standard HD is probably unreal. i have a 32 inch in my room and i thought the picture was great this blew it away. the thing i noticed the further away the better my living room is not huge like 12x12 or something. i'm sure there is better out there no doubt but for the money mega deal. a bunch of TV is watched here so i'll come back down the road. the negative review is bull my father and i carried it in and he is 78 come on.

  • Maire Spellman - Slumber party wars review

    I choose this rating because it was really interesting and held my attention very well. I liked the book very much and would definitely recommend it to my friends and family. I would recommend the book for ages 9-15 years.

  • Amy L. Bittner - Amazing sequel to the first skinnytaste book!!!

    What an amazing sequel to the first skinnytaste cookbook! Brand new healthy, creative, and quick meals with amazing photos and easy step by step directions! Needless to say we won't be eating out for a while!!!!

  • n0ne - DON'T BUY!!!!

    This system at first seemed to fit my needs perfectly. The crossbars a first glance appear to be constructed well and feel sturdy. So when I started the installation with the back bar, I thought this is great! Simple to install and the bar seemed to fit perfectly and sealed well once the screws were sunk it. Then I tried installing the front cross bar. Boom! My happiness went down the drain. The mounting fixtures with the screw holes are set to close together. There is no way for the screw holes in the bar to align with the screw holes on my CR-V.

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