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Quilting Quest Blog - Quilting Quest and QuiltingQuest.net blog and newsletter site. See all the happenings at Quilting Quest Lexington, NC

  • http://www.quiltingquestblog.net/quilting-quest-blog/contact-us.html Contact us - Quilting Quest Blog - 110-G Cotton Grove Road Lexington, NC 27292 336-243-7209 Store Hours: Monday to Friday 10am to 6pm Saturday 10am to 4pm We are closed Sunday [email protected] Our website(Free Shipping on orders $35 or more!): www.QuiltingQuest.net Our eBay store: www.QQFabrics.com View Larger Map
  • http://www.quiltingquestblog.net/quilting-quest-blog/2014/06/made-it-through-surgery.html Made it through surgery! - Quilting Quest Blog - Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers, food and cards during the last few days. As far as we know, the knee surgery was a great success. Of course right now I am so sore and my leg is so swollen, I feel like I will never walk right again!...
  • http://www.quiltingquestblog.net/quilting-quest-blog/2014/05/thank-you-charlene-hamby.html Thank You Charlene Hamby! - Quilting Quest Blog - Quilting Quest Posted by Lynne Lanning · 5 minutes ago Thank you Charlene Hamby Lynne Lanning Great News! Yesterday I taught my first class on "Selling Your Crafts on Etsy". It was a very good class with 7 students. We also created our own "network" of crafters, which means we...
  • http://www.quiltingquestblog.net/quilting-quest-blog/2014/05/learn-to-sell-your-crafts-on-etsy.html Learn to Sell Your Crafts on Etsy! - Quilting Quest Blog - Come join us to learn how to sell your crafts on Etsy - the worlds fastest growing on-line market place for handmade crafts! At the end of this class you will have your shop set up and running, and you will also learn about shipping your items, and so much...
  • http://www.quiltingquestblog.net/quilting-quest-blog/2014/04/may-newsletter-was-not-complete-so-sorry.html May Newsletter was not Complete! So Sorry! - Quilting Quest Blog - The May newsletter did not include June classes and a preview of upcoming July events....I am so sorry!! With Vicky being out of commission with her eye surgery, we are only working with bits and pieces, (Oh, I made a funny and wasn't meaning to! With quilting, we work with...
  • http://www.quiltingquestblog.net/quilting-quest-blog/2014/04/thank-you-everyone.html THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!!! - Quilting Quest Blog - I want to tell you all Thank You so much for everything you did for my birthday (or should I say birth week!) I feel like a really special lady and I certainly am Blessed! I was lavished with lunches, suppers, gifts, text (literally from around the world!), phone calls,...
  • http://www.quiltingquestblog.net/quilting-quest-blog/2014/03/summer-challenge-on-line-only-.html Summer Challenge On-Line Only - Quilting Quest Blog - The theme for this challenge is HOT! How it works: Purchase the $10.00 project pack from QQ. The packet contains over 1 yard of fabric. You must use at least 5 of the 7 fabrics in your packet. You only have to use a little of each if you wish,...
  • http://www.quiltingquestblog.net/quilting-quest-blog/2014/03/blog-is-back.html Blog is back! - Quilting Quest Blog - I am very happy to announce that the blog is back up and running! I have had several technical difficulties. I now have it all fixed and I'm back! This blog's purpose is to bring people up to date on things that happen between newsletters, to post pictures of our...
  • http://www.quiltingquestblog.net/quilting-quest-blog/2013/09/lots-of-happenings.html Lots of Happenings! - Quilting Quest Blog - As usual, there is a lot going on at the shop, in my personal life, with my customers... The Fair was this week and I hope there were oodles of entries I will be hearing about in the next few weeks. As I get the info, I will share it,...
  • http://www.quiltingquestblog.net/quilting-quest-blog/2013/08/weekly-winners-2-so-far-and-they-are.html Weekly Winners!!! 2 so far, and they are..... - Quilting Quest Blog - Congratulations to week #1 winner - Carol Cartner! And week #2 winner - Charlene Hamby! We still have 2 more weekly winners to go! We had a great time at UFO this month. In fact, we had so much fun, we decided to meet again the next morning, have breakfast,...
  • http://www.quiltingquestblog.net/quilting-quest-blog/2013/08/excitement-after-a-long-silence.html Excitement after a long silence!!!!! - Quilting Quest Blog - I am going to skip all the excuses for why I haven't been blogging...I will just say that life has been very hectic! I am truly blessed though! The garden is doing...well, it is doing. Not as good as last year but enough to keep me busy! I have also...
  • http://www.quiltingquestblog.net/quilting-quest-blog/mondaymorningcoffeeclub.html Monday Morning Coffee Club - Quilting Quest Blog - Monday Morning Coffee Club Every Monday Morning 9:30am-noon Bring your project and your coffee mug (with a lid please). Unlimited coffee and snacks are provided plus you get a 10% discount on your total purchase at the shop during that time! (Excludes machines and frames) Join the fine fellowship with...
  • http://www.quiltingquestblog.net/quilting-quest-blog/wednesdaymorninggals.html Wednesday Morning Gals - Quilting Quest Blog - Wednesday Morning Gals 9am - 12 noon Learn from the seemingly unlimited knowledge of this group! No matter if you have questions about knitting, crochet, sewing, quilting, etc., someone in this group can probably help you. Bring your project and come on in! Cost : FREE

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  • Katherine - Disappointed in the "new and improved" version

    I have 2 daughters, and First Response was always my favorite test when I was in my planning and testing phase of pregnancy. I had heard many times to stay away from "blue dye" tests as they are more prone to false positives (which is obviously the last thing any one hoping for a baby wants to see!). First Response was my go-to brand. I returned to the test while trying to conceive #3. After a few months of negatives, I finally got a positive. I was so excited to see it! The next day, a negative test. Also negative for my "back up" tests. After reading the reviews, I saw many false positives were common with the new version. How disappointing! I would advise against using unless you are going to have a back up test to use at the same time as this version.

  • B.L. - It's kind of a fun book. Lots of little bits of facts and ...

    It's kind of a fun book. Lots of little bits of facts and tips about different games. The main downside to me is that it can't include the absolute latest stuff that's just coming out, which is the hottest stuff right now, but I can't blame it for that really since the publishing cycle makes anything like that impossible. Other than that, it covers a pretty nice variety of games so that I think most gamers will see at least a few things that are very interesting to them, and perhaps find a couple of new games that could be fun to try.

  • Janette - Wonderfully Redone!

    So this is the first ops book I fell in love with! Mandy has added and reworked the book. She has done an amazing job.

  • ainypc - light relief

    At first I wasn't sure I liked this product but I have a bad back (herniated disks with psiatica) and I could barely walk. I used the light relief and I was able to make it through the day. It is not a one time use product. You need to continue to use it. I feel any relief is better than NO relief, and this product does help me.

  • Keith Postler - Great!!!<3

    I bought this book used in very, very good condition for thirty dollars on here. It arrived super-duper fast. I'm in 8th grader going into high school next year and I'm supposed to go into Honors Geometry. But, we have the option of testing out if we can get at least an 80% on a final-like exam that consists of 100 multiple choice and 30 free-response questions. This book offers questions from both points of view! There are standardized test examples which I find really handy! This is the book I would be using if I went into geometry next year. It is really awesome and has past-course reviews such as simplifying radicals and basic rules of exponents. The lessons are easy to follow with clear examples. The only downside is that I'm still having trouble with proofs... URGGG!!!! That's not really the book's fault although I wish it had more lessons on how to begin writing them. There are many practice problems with some even being worked out in the back of the book! I feel like I will definitely be able to ace this test during the summer! Honors Algebra II with Trig. here i come!!!!!!

  • Meluvbooks2 - Loved it.

    Loved the characters. Loved the drama, betrayal and the romance. Liam is softer side of an alpha bad boy but still sexy and hot. Lizzie just buried her father, but all his belong is left to Liam. She tries to understand the secrets and lies while grieving for her dad. Instant attraction. Fast pace full of romance and entertainment.

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