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  • Aileen - I gave dogs and I feel like this helps defend against little critters that they attract

    I gave dogs and I feel like this helps defend against little critters that they attract. Basically I plug this in and the sound waves keep pests at bay. This is also great at serving as a night light as it has a little blue indicator light.

  • Debbie - Covers Great and is a Lifesaver!

    I suffer from Alopecia Areata which is patchy hair loss that comes and goes. I frequently have bald patches usually on top of my head which can be difficult to hide. I hate wearing hats and hair pieces all the time while I wait for my hair to grow back. I was previously using Joan River's Great Hair Day to fill in the patches and try to hide them. It worked OK but I wasn't crazy about the results. It is sort of hard to apply and it doesn't cover all that well. Then someone told me about Toppik and I tried it. What a lifesaver it is for me! It goes on easier than Great Hair Day and covers much better. I also ordered the spray applicator since I wanted to concentrate the Toppik to a small area. It really works and covers up the bald patch....I dont have to feel self conscious or cover up my hair any longer. After application, I do spray it with Hair spray and it stays on well through out the day.

  • Akayes - I strongly recommend anyone who struggles with anxiety to give this a ...

    I've spent years trying to find natural remedies for my anxiety and this is one of the only supplements that actually helps. It's made it so I can do things now that my anxiety would've made impossible. I strongly recommend anyone who struggles with anxiety to give this a try.

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