

Au Drugstore de Fleury - Librairie, Presse, Papeterie, Carterie, Cadeaux personnalisés, LOTO, LOTO sportif, jeux de grattage, autres services, borne développement numérique, télécopie, photocopie, editions mails, confise

  • Ca se passe à Fleury Mérogis - évènements, concours, journées portes ouvertes, carnaval, journées, animations, albums photos, recherche, articles, presse, journaux,association,
  • Les ateliers du Drugstore - atelier, échange, ludique, travaux d'aiguilles, lecture, écriture, débats, gratuits,
  • Une nouvelle pizzeria au Centre Commercial - Mona Pizza, bruchettas, paninis, tex-mex, promos, pizza, pizzeria, sandwichs, salades, assiettes, burgers, pates,
  • Les Floriacumois, otages du PMU ? -  AUREZ-VOUS LE PMU ?   Comme vous le savez, il n'existe aucun point PMU dans la ville de Fleury-Mérogis (91700) depuis la fermeture du Narval et l'absence de reprise de ces paris par le café "Le Beaulieu" (ce que nous ...
  • ce qui manque au Drugstore -  Que manque t'il dans votre librairie ?Utilisez ce blog pour nous dire tout ce qui vous passe par la tête. Cette rubrique est à consommer sans modération !
  • Comment trouvez-vous ce site ? - Faites part de ce qui vous plait et surtout de ce qui vous déplait sur ce site, en toute liberté et sans retenue.Merci d'avance, vos remarques serviront à améliorer ce site.
  • Premier billet du blog - Voici le premier billet de votre blog. Un blog vous permet d'informer vos visiteurs de l'actualité de votre site ou de l'actualité de votre secteur d'activité. C'est un très bon moyen pour fidéliser les internautes et pour être mieux référencés ...

    Country:, Europe, FR

    City: 2.3292 Paris, France

  • Stephanie MB - Amazing read!

    I volunteered to read an ARC in order to provide an honest review. I love, Love, LOVE a good steamy suspense story! Hayley and Luke had such a deeply connected past and by finally getting back together they realized that they were what each other has been looking good for. Such drama in Willow Creek!

  • Judith Colson - Ok read

    No new information, just a step by step rehash of information already known about their lives. These two amazing people need somebody to really add new and interesting information to an icon of a family!

  • Marissa Hopkins - So far it's Awesome!!

    I've been using this for two days. And already I have seen a slight difference. My teeth just look brighter. I have a aversion to strange tasting things. I was very worried about how I would handle this powder in my mouth. There is no taste to it. And you only need a little bit. Very little goes a long way! It also rinses out very easily. I like to brush my teeth after so I have minty fresh breath. I'm excited to see what my teeth look like at the end of 30 days. I will update my review at that time. *I received this product at a discounted rate in exchange for my honest review.

  • J. Belfort-Chalat - New Yorker app for Kindle Fire

    I thoroughly enjoy the wide variety of articles, and of course the covers and cartoons are a constant delight. I actually didn't purchase the New Yorker the other day, but simply added the app to my new Kindle fire hdx device. The New Yorker people were a great help getting everything up on the device. I have been a longtime subscriber and my current subscription isn't up until July of 2015.

  • Monkey - Disappointing.

    Too expensive. Not worth it. Heavy, bulky, and uncomfortable. They don't fit. Air poackets are a gimmik. Should have spent half the money.

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