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  • Madura - Disappointed

    after using this shampoo for several weeks it caused my scalp to develop an itchy spot. It went away when I started using a different shampoo. I guess I developed an allergic reaction to this Natural Hair loss Shampoo. Never noticed an increase in hair follicle growth as advertised. Hmmmmmmm....

  • Rachilia - Comfortable, compact and easy to install

    We own the previous model of this car seat for our son, so it was a no brainier that we would order this again when our daughter came. He hated car rides while he was in his infant seat, but stopped crying as soon as we switched him to this one. It is by far the most padded seat I have come across, especially under their butts, where most seats just feel like I thin layer of fabric over hard plastic. He is 2 now and still loves this seat. I have also thrown the cover of his in the washing machine several times and comes out just fine.

  • Sojourners - Bang! Love it

    This product was easy to use. I have sensitive eyes these days, so I am pleased to find it unscented.

  • Sonny - The good ole days!

    This is a wonderful DVD of people who i grew up listening to. Love it! Ringo still can't sing a lick but his energy is wonderful to see! It is an all-star cast of players.

  • Banana Fingers - What a Relief!!!

    I cannot say enough good things about his product. Let me try. In the era I like to call BBS (Before Banana Slicer), to cut my bananas I would have had to pull the tarp off of the old band saw in the barnyard storage shed, rev up the generator (many times making a trip to the docks for the required whale oil fuel) and carefully placing the banana on the saw bed. I cannot count on my fingers how many times I missed the banana.... I really can no longer count without fingers. Now with the banana slicer those days are over. Me and my hand stumps thank the inventor of this blessed device. Now, if only they can come up with a banana peeler.

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