fqframes.org Review:



fluoroquinolone, quinolone victim stories and adverse drug reactions - Fluoroquinolone, quinolone, FQ antibiotic site with victim ADR stories including cipro, floxin, levaquin, avelox, tequin, noroxin, factive and trovan adverse drug reaction and reactions

Country:, North America, US

City: -75.4083 Pennsylvania, United States

  • Sam C. Riccillo - Great Traps for flying insects!

    Great trap, easy to change and dispose used trap! The skeeter trap is an excellent device for flying insects, and the trap replacements are easy and disposable!

  • Illy - I love the new temporal thermometer technology

    I love the new temporal thermometer technology. I’m an ER nurse and we are using them more and more in the hospital. They so wonderful and not invasive at all and they can be used on all ages. Research is showing that they are accurate compared to other methods. It doesn’t get any better than that. This is my second temporal thermometer, this one is solely to keep in my the kids bathroom. My other one is the Exergen temporal that I got at Costco. I will briefly talk about temporal thermometers in general, then this particular one compared to Exergen.

  • lady in red - so far so good

    I have been using this product now for 3 months and am very pleased with my weight loss. When on a diet I usually lose weight fairly easily but always lapse after about 2 months. This time i am doing so much better as i can have foods i miss/crave, once a week. My appetite is more controlled and i am enjoying what i eat and control of portion size is easy. I intend to make it this time and continue with real dose once a day to make sure i dont slide back again. I would def rec, you try the product, particularly if you have tried and failed on diets before .

  • zkillah - Still fighting candida

    I'm still fighting my candida infection since I realized that I had one 3 months ago. I started with Five-lac; however, it was very expensive (around 50 bucks), and it didnt resolve my candida issue, so I started looking for a substitute. I came across Renew Life critical care with 50 billion healthy probiotics. It was a better probiotic than Five-lac, and much cheaper if you get subscribe and save; however, it too did not resolve my candida issue. So, I started researching again and discovered that I needed to take something with cellulase to attack the candida. So, I bought Candizyme and took it with the Renew Life probiotics. During that time my symptoms subsided the most (e.g., the acne, insomnia, the feeling of insects crawling all over my body). However, I was afraid that the Candizyme was killing the probiotics. So, I switched to Candex because the company claimed that their product didn't kill any probiotics. I also switched over to a candida diet (not religiously followed). However, my symptoms were worse than when I was on Candizyme. So, now I am switching back to Candizyme, taking probiotics, and sticking to a candida diet. I plan to take the Candizyme at night, and the probiotics during the day. And perhaps I will try to do a colon cleanse too. Well, that's where I at right now; I recommend Candizyme over Candex simply because my symptoms were less worse on Candizyme (but I am still fighting the candida infection). Hopefully, those suckers will leave me alone soon.

  • Johnathon Schlemmer - Straight out of a Pixar film!

    Amazing! The amount of personality thrown into this is outstanding. It really feels like I'm playing with a character out of WALL-E.

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