

Food Handler Classes | Illinois | Fee: $7.00 | Online Certification, Permit, License, Certificate, Card, Training - The State of Illinois, Food Handler Classes is an ANSI Accredited, State of Texas accredited, State of Idaho, State of New Mexico, State of California, and State of Illinois approved online food worker certification program for any food service employee who needs to obtain a certificate, permit, license, card in order to work in a retail food establishment, or any individual who desires training.

Country:, North America, US

City: -96.8217 Texas, United States

  • JennSS - Lightweight but Lumpy

    Very happy with this bag. It is perfect carry-on size and not too hard on the eyes. It doesn't have much structure, which makes the bag both extremely light and easily warped. A few packing cubes solved this issue (with the exception of the outside pockets). The straps are not as comfortable as I would have hoped. I find them very tight on my shoulders, near my neck. Not a big deal since it converts easily to be carried other ways. I would definitely buy this again!

  • vegann - Amazing!

    This is exactly what I wanted for my iPad Pro. The Pencil fits in tight enough that I am not worried about it falling out but it is very easy to remove. The case feels very solid and the corners have extra protection against accidental drops. Very, very pleased with this product.

  • JandT - Unparalleled CGI effects overcome predicable characters and storyline

    2012's special effects effect on me (if you'll pardon my awkward phrasing) was like a diabetic falling into a vat of pancake syrup -- in other words, a major sugary high followed by a sense of intense overdose. This film elevates the art of CGI to a whole 'nother level. No longer will the viewer be satisfied seeing a single spaceship (or whatever) blow up while the rest of the screen is comparatively benign. From now on, the entire screen should be filled with absolutely captivating CGI action. I found my eyeballs pivoting right and left, up and down ... trying to capture the whole experience: buildings and bridges collapsing ... cars and trains cartwheeling through the air ... monumental!

  • Avid Reader - Beautiful book, great read, great gift

    This is a beautiful little book, a great read, the perfect gift for the golfers and Arnie fans on your list. It includes current stories-- In one chapter Mr. Palmer writes about challenges a well known golfer faced in 2015. This little book gives me a greater appreciation of Mr Palmer's Well Played Life.

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