

Maria do Céu - Consultora Financeira com experiência de 11 anos de trabalho na área Financeira, como Controller e Directora Financeira de empresas nas áreas da Tecnologia da Informação, Telecomunicações e Energias Renováveis, Licenciada em Administração e Controlo Financeiro, Bacharel em Contabilidade, certificada pela Microsoft em Excel 2007 e Access 2007, com o título MOS (Microsoft Certified Office Specialist) e MCT (Microsoft Certified Trainer)

Country:, North America, US

City: -122.3933 California, United States

  • Mark S - Overpriced pedometer

    I received this in May and was excited about the possibilities. I quickly learned that I expected entirely too much out of this device.

  • ryan illsley - Better than expected

    I just took it out of the packaging and am flipping through it. Not sure why someone would complain about the size of it, its a handbook, a reference. Print size is fine, not sure why someone would complain about that. I cannot comment on the material yet.

  • crisha - Really works!

    This shampoo really helps to bring back your lost hair. Takes some time but definitely helps and doesn't strip away your haircolor.

  • Ida Boyd - a high quality look and feel to them

    These earphones have a high quality look and feel to them. They are surprisingly lightweight and have a very smooth exterior. When I opened the packaging, I was impressed straight away. It was nicely packed box.

  • a fan - Surprising Results

    I tried to file my nails, but in the process I accidentally fixed a small engine that was near by. Which was nice

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