

The Mustard Seed - The Mustard Seed has been serving Watertown for over 20 years. We are committed to bringing holistic health with emphasis on natural and organic foods and supplements .

Country:, North America, US

City: -82.3024 Florida, United States

  • Jeff - I like them

    I think this shoe is a great improvement over the GT-2000. The latter has a Solelyte midsole and I could not run in it. It didn't provide enough support and I got calf cramps only fifteen minutes into a run. The GT-3000 has a different midsole and is a beefier, stiffer, and heavier shoe, which is what I need. I am very rough on shoes, run on the roads, have nearly 200 miles on this pair, and have had no problems with them whatsoever.

  • JAZman128 - Good printer, but periodically loses it's mind.

    The printer works well and is fairly simple to set up. I did review the documentation and some videos just to hedge my bets.

  • Wesly Preston - Buy it online

    I recently went to the OROGOLD Store and was not really happy with the super aggressive sales lady working there. Don’t, get me wrong. The store looked really beautiful and the product displays were fantabulous, but I hate it when someone pushes me into purchasing products. I like to see and try things I like and then buy what I think is right, not what some sales lady tells me. After her constant rambling, I simply decided to walk out. Came home and ordered for the product online. Guess what. Not only was it super easy, I also got it at a much cheaper price.

  • Lorri Liles - A great read!

    A real page turner! The book kept my attention from the first sentence to the last I recommend this book to anyone that likes a good thriller!

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