

Herpes treatment, phototherapy uva, newest herpes treatments, phototherapy, genital herpes treatments - We offer a herpes treatment using phototherapy uva lights that is one of the newest herpes treatments; this phototherapy can be used at home as oral or genital herpes treatments, or for shingles.

Country:, North America, US

City: -111.8906 Arizona, United States

  • A Carr - I really like this pillowcase

    I really like this pillowcase. I wash our sheets every weekend and (obviously) wash my face every night, so it's not like I'm allowing too much buildup on my pillowcase to begin with.... but I still get breakouts. I'm hopeful that this will work for me!! I just started using it, but will try to remember to post an update after a few weeks. I like essential oils and definitely smelled them when I opened the package.

  • Jennifer Daniles Fine - mask for face

    I have used this product for more than 10 years. It keeps my complection clear and acne free. The best clay mask out there!!!!!!!!!

  • Tatjana - This could very well be the reason...

    It's my first review on Amazon, and I made sure to remember to write it, despite having my hands full with the newborn, since I believe this tea was the reason why I had the labor and delivery I had. 33 year old first time mom, I must have read 15 books in preparation and packed all sorts of massaging and relaxation tools in my hospital bag, hoping for the natural unmedicated birth. My somewhat painful contractions started around 9:30pm. I was prepared for the long night ahead at home. Well, by 11:30 I had to wake my husband up to go to the hospital. Once we arrived, medical personnel somewhat took their time to admit me. Guess what, when they checked I was 8.5 dilated and ready to push 20 minutes later. 7 pound baby was born at 3:24am after 6 pushes, without any pain meds. According to my husband he flew out like a rocket. And did I mention it was actually on his due date. I have been drinking this tea before getting pregnant, and then starting second trimester one bag daily, sipping for 20 minutes. During last 2 weeks I used 2 bags a day. It must be the tea, since my mom was in labor with her first for over 20 hours, same as I expected for myself. Seven days later I'm drinking it to help my body heal. Don't get me wrong, labor still hurt like nothing I've felt before, but it was fast and a very profound experience. Highly recommend!

  • MusicHeadMissy - Better than I expected.....

    I bought this game for my 12 year old daughter for Christmas. She's a wrestling junkie. Anywyas. I was trying to figure out the difference between 2010 and 2011 and it took a 12 year old to point out the subtle but important differences in the two. I watched her play it and it is VERY entertaining and will have you busting your gut laughing at some of the things you can do on this game. She and I have a ball when she's playing it. It's a very good game believe it or not. But if you buy this game for your child make sure that you stress to them that you can't do this stuff in real life and not to try it because some of the moves on this game and on the WWE programs are very dangerous. Once you have reinforced that with your child or children I say let them have at it.!

  • Megoo T. Bird - Functionally fine, workmanship/design problems

    Functionally, the power bank works fine; more than serves my purpose. It charged my tablet almost three times before needing to be recharged.

  • Natalie - but I do feel a lot better, worth it

    Made my stomach hurt and tired. but I do feel a lot better, worth it. Still working on doing the rest just have to go through the upsetting process.

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