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  • Itzybellababy - I slept!

    I have a hard time falling asleep sometimes. I was taking benadryl but read it made your brain shrink , so I really wanted to cut it out. Who knows if it was true, but I need my brain as is... I was happy to try this supplement to help me out.

  • Carl M. Rabbin - Outlook? More like "Look Out!!"

    It should say: "Look Out for Wooden Toilet Seats" I tried one recently during my travels and it hurt like nobody's business. I went to a local doctor and she said, "You've got a splinter in your tuchis!"

  • Billie mikus - .did not have the answers or rationals for the test

    This book needs the answers and rationals so you can know if your on the right track or not, so when you go to take the test

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