queensmedicalcenter.org Review:



Welcome to The Queen's Medical Center - The Queen's Medical Center is a private, non-profit, acute care medical facility serving the State of Hawaii. It is the largest private hospital in Hawaii, licensed to operate with 505 acute care beds and 28 sub-acute beds. The medical center has more than 3,000 employees and over 1,200 physicians on staff. As the leading medical referral center in the Pacific Basin, Queen's offers a comprehensive range of primary and specialized care services.

  • http://queensmedicalcenter.org/cancer Queen's Cancer Center - At the Queen’s Cancer Center, your care is number one. Our entire team is focused on providing you with the care, support and guidance needed to help you throughout your journey.Our patient-centered, multidisciplinary cancer center offers advanced technology in a comfortable place of healing to aggressively treat all types of cancer. It physically brings together virtually every aspect of cancer diagnosis and treatment planning, minimizing the need for patients and their caregivers to make outpatient visits to different providers, or to travel to the mainland for treatment.The Queen’s Medical Center also is proud to be a certified member of MD Anderson Cancer Network®, a program of MD Anderson Cancer Center, which takes cancer care in Hawaii to the next level.

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -97.822 , United States

  • Kindle Customer - I am so impressed!

    Been a long time customer of Amazon but unless I'm missing something, the scalp revitalizer is overpriced here. Go to the Aveda website or to an Aveda store (mine was in a large mall, and many salons carry the line) to buy this- I paid $60.00 for 150 ml of this product.

  • preston clarke - BEST 20$ EVER SPENT!!!!!

    Let me start out by saying that I won't drink like a degenerate without these again. I had a trial run the first night with these bad boys and got blind drunk with some slum dogs i like to call my friends. I drank a whole bottle of hot stuff (cheap fireball), a lot of beer (like 13.5), a few vodka shots, some dirty tequila and red wine on only 6 hours of sleep. Now normally if i do this, i'd wake up feeling like a boiled turd while worshiping the porcelain gods and am only able to eat about as much as a naked mole rat. I end up out of commission for the whole next day but....... with these bad boys made from what I'm assuming is the blood of the lord christ jesus himself I woke up like a 80's rockstar!! I was able to drive and get me and all my road dogs breakfast burritos. I had no problem filling my cheese burger locker and heck i even finished my buddies burrito that he couldn't! Do your self a favor if you're over 24 years old and like to get inebriated like my self, then I would invest a good old Andrew Jackson (Harriet Tubman now) because these work!

  • Kytkattin - Solid plaque removing product

    I have 4 dogs under 10 lbs, so they are very prone to having plaque build up on their teeth. I do feed them a raw diet and they chew on antlers, but that doesn't stop everything. To use this I put a little bit on some gauze wrap that is wrapped around my finger, then I scrub their teeth. I have been using it about once or twice a week for a year. My oldest, who is almost 10 and going in for a dental next month, had the worst teeth. I would say that over the year her teeth have gotten marginally better, but more importantly they haven't gotten worse. I think consistent use of this product will help keep teeth at their current level/state, but it will not fix problems that already exist. As for flavor, I can say for certain that my cat thinks it is nasty, so I don't even try with him, but my dogs seem to really like it. They are all excited for their turn when it is time to have their teeth brushed. I have not noticed it really improving their breath. I do plan on trying other pet dental products once this runs out, but this seems like a solid option.

  • Amazon Customer - Poor storyline. Every scene is too "frantic"

    Poor storyline. Every scene is too "frantic". Everyone talks and moves like they are on speed...

  • M. Conover - Older Reader Project Runway Watcher

    I love this mag. It is not just for the 20's & 30's or under. It gives advice on clothes, makeup, current happenings in fashion, & features Project Runway designs! When I moved it seemed like forever for my mag to catch up with me. Nina on Project Runway is my favorite judge as she seems to tell it like it is now not 30 yrs ago. I too do not wear as much makeup now as I did in my younger yrs but it is fun to see all the current stuff available to use. I do do my nails, wear fashional clothes that I can afford (Alferd Dunner is my fav as I can get it at a store here on discount!;) } I am in my late 50's & teach school in the Bible belt but do not like old fashioned clothes or looks. As I said before this mag tells you what is current & doable for you at your age/

  • Amazon Customer - Game Changer

    My gym problems are over. Countless workouts with weights ripping the wires out of my ears, ear buds falling out while jogging, pieces falling apart... Not only does this product fix all of these problems, but the sound quality is excellent. I just got a full 2 hour workout in with no issues with music playing, no cord problems (it's wifi),and l they fit in and on your ears perfectly so they didn't fall out even once. Oh yeah, and the battery is still full. I don't write reviews often, but I'm very pleased. No more music frustration at the gym. Thank you for the quality product.

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