wordwowstudio.com Review:
Word Wow Studio – Seattle Freelance Business and Healthcare Writer - width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0
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I love the Longmire series and have read them all but the books are just not up to the TV series. The "Vic" character has a foul mouth that I think could have been left out. The men don't use the language she does. Just think she could be a little more refined.Not all of us appreciate such profanity and vulgarity. Don't know if I will order anymore books. I certainly hope the authors read the reviews from their readers.
My baby seemed very happy with this formula. I would recommend this to someone with a newborn that is not breastfeeding.
First a disclaimer: I'm using this to protect a 3-yr old Win 7 laptop (not a huge problem), and also an admittedly older Dell XPS desktop (Win XP) (unbelievably terrible performance impacts). I purchased this brand of security software in the hope that it would work better on my 7-year old desktop (1 G Ram) than the expiring Norton had. With Norton, my Dell functioned ok except during scans (which could be paused if necessary) and for 10 minutes when first starting up in the mornings.
I have not gotten yet. This will be a gift for young lady and it is adorable. A present like this is sure to bring a smile. I cannot wait to see. I also bought a little wallet to go with, and put some coin and paper money in it of course, being a Christmas present. Loretta
I love this box, and I especially love the customer service.This box is faster and has more memory than my other streaming box that I paid $300 for, which had NO customer service! Before this box arrived I received an email from Element giving 3 short YouTubes for easy set up, and it was a cinch.It didn't come with Phoenix and I knew it was part of Kodi, so I went on their site "kodielement.com" and reached a person for chat in a few minutes.He gave me a website with easy instructions to add it, but my box froze. I went back to the site and initiated another chat, and he took my box over and corrected it and added Phoenix. Everything about this box is so easy compared to others! I will say that the remote confused me because there are no keys for movie control such as rewind, pause, etc. If you press the OK button it brings a bar up at the bottom of the movie with that info, and you toggle around the OK button to rewind,etc. I also bought the mini keyboard and that will make things easier. This company seems to care about their equipment and service. It felt great to cancel my cable company today...I finally cut that cord with confidence!
I use these to run my small business. I upgrade each year buying the combination Qucikbooks and payroll because it is cheaper than just buying the payroll subscription - not entirely sure why Intuit would do this but it saves about $100 per year and you get the updated Quickbooks essentially for free.
I have read all of the prey books and all of the Virgil Flowers books. I'm wondering if you have any movies in the works. I would love to see Lucas and Virgil in a movie!!!!