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Country:, North America, US

City: -81.1893 Florida, United States

  • T. Wilson - Watch out!

    I have used several acne products over the years. Most of them don't help much so I thought I would try this one. After a few days, my face broke out more than ever. I had huge, painful pimples all over my face. It was a lot worse than it was before.

  • Alex - Excellent

    Been doing advanced automotive engineering for years, my Bronco II overheated from a bad thermostat, and I developed a non-combustion chamber cylinder head crack. I was losing coolant to the crankcase, as evident by the fluid in the crankcase oil, and the lack of evidence of burning coolant. Any of my other cars, sure, I would have pulled the head, and replaced it, magnafluxed, etc etc lots of $$$, but this is my daily driven beater car with the factory engine and 200k miles. I used less than directed, calculated appropriately with cooling system volume, and this worked like a charm. (Approximately 1/3 the bottle on a 15 ish quart system using a 40/60 ethylene gylcol to water mix)

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