www.alamoclinic.com Review:
Tony Alamo, M.D. - Alamo Medical Clinic - Henderson, NV - Alamo Medical Clinic is located in Henderson, Nevada. Anthony T. Alamo, M.D. specializing in Family Care, Preventive Care, Flu Vaccinations, Immunizations, and other medical treatments. Find more information about Dr. Tony Alamo
Country:, North America, US
City: -115.2117 Nevada, United States
I just purchased my car last week. Was going to go with the LX because the dealer claimed the EX had to have a protection package on it. I fought against it and got a great deal on the car. After all was said and done, I got the EX for $21k. Definitely agree with the rest of the reviews. I owned a '99, '01, and '04 Civic, and just got out of my lease of a '13 Camry SE. The EX has all the features my Camry had with a few extras and I think it is a better handling car. I chalk that up to its size being smaller than the Camry. Although, the Civic is a compact and feels just as roomy as my Camry which is a mid-sized. Amazing amazing car.
The mix is a little song on the cinnamon side, but otherwise it tastes great! I can't tell Im drinking protein powder when I'm drinking this. This did seem to be on sale and when I got it I realized why, I got it 3/24/15 and the expiration date is 4/2015.