www.boletinagrario.com Review:
boletinagrario.com - Agricultura, ganadería, pesca, desarrollo rural y sostenible. Noticias, información y recursos - Portal dedicado a los sectores de la alimentación, el desarrollo sostenible y el medio ambiente, con noticias, reportajes, manuales, guías y muchos más recursos y herramientas sobre agricultura,...
Country:, Europe, FR
City: 2.3387 , France
I did not purchase this item from Amazon, but my Celica came with the 3 inch stubby antenna when I bought it. I must say it gets decent reception for the most part, but it's not great. Living in the outskirts of the 5th largest city in Tennessee, I only have have reception issues with one station (My favorite). My biggest problem with this antenna is not related to reception of radio station. I have a $80 Belkin FM Transmitter that I use to play my music since I have the original 14 year old head unit. My antenna location is on the rear right of my car, and the sound quality would always be distorted and staticy. I have used the same Transmitter in other cars with the factory "whip" antenna and had no problem with sound quality. Someone recently stole that pos off my car, so now i have a reason to get a better one. I'm buying a 13 inch flexible antenna as a replacement from AntennaX. They make them custom fix for individual cars, and have excellent reviews.
The chairs are comfortable for lounging, for my 125 lb 5'5' frame, but not so much for my 6' 280 lb hubby. The locking mechanism doesn't work well at all. The website also gave inaccurate weight capacity- web site said 300 lb weight limit. After receiving the chairs, the info from the manufacturer said the weight limit was 250 lbs. Had I known that I never would have bothered.
I am on a diet plan and being monitored every week the weight loss and fat loss is great, I know this is helping me along especially with the belly weight loss. I would highly recommend this product.
I had the exact same experience as K S Stone. The phone just beeped constantly when I tried to charge my iPhone 6s with this charger. When I used a different charger with the same phone and outlet, the phone charged just fine.
These books are so far superior to the TV version it's not even worth discussing. An Obvious Fact has all the fun and excitement we have come to expect from Walt and the gang. Vic is just so hot and unpredictable,, Henry is inscrutable and Walt is just Walt. Great story in a new place. Enjoy!
Husband got up early and swept then mopped the sealed hardwood floors of our home before applying the product with a microfiber pad, and WOW! I thought they were still wet when I saw them.
I first heard about this product on a Shark Tank rerun and I wanted to buy one instantly. I sold my spouse on the idea to purchase one of these by saying our 3 year old could use this instead of his portable potty to get on the toilet. Knowing full well the only reason why I wanted it, was because I knew this was a really good product and it would help going to the bathroom a lot less stressful (aka constipation). Has my son used it yet? No, but I plan on following through with that idea too and getting him to use it as a stepping stool. It is 100% perfect for that job. When we received the product I was the one who took it to the bathroom right away for a test (and no, i didn't have to "go" yet). My first test was to see how the product would "disappear" when push up against the toilet. It did not look bad, nor did it look great, and that was as expected since it was a fairly large piece of plastic. The next test came hours later when I had to chance to "use" it. One thing is for sure, it is a lot easier to use when coming out of the shower with no clothes on. Having your underwear or pants hanging around your ankles make it a bit more difficult to use, but after using it a few times I got the hang of it. I would recommend this product to anyone. It really works.