www.browardsafety.org Review:
Broward County Traffic and DUI School - The Broward-Dade Safety Council is a not-for-profit offering 4-hour, 8-hour and 12-hour driving instruction, plus mature driver, divorce and parenting, aggressive driving, club drugs and marijuana (PTE), MADD Victim Impact, Safe Boating, and OSHA classes. Programs include DUI, Misdeameanor Drug Court Probation Program and Special Supervision. Services include Ignition Interlock and Evaluations.
Country:, North America, US
City: -71.2047 Massachusetts, United States
Love this game. I use it at work to work on motor planning, imitating body positions, timing, sequencing, following directions, visual attention.
DO NOT! I SERIOUSLY MEAN DO NOY BUY THIS PRODUCT! My pups are in the process of trying to grow their fur back in the area of the collar because of this product. It caused SEVERE rashes under their necks and loss of hair there too. I'm just hoping the crashing doesn't get serious because its a vet trip I don't want to have to do.
So these is pretty cool. So i had to fill the tank on this system a few times. It's averaging around 1200 Black and whites. And that is with the ones that are pretty heavy on the back. So it is doing as well as the Laser printer it was replaced with but you get get replacement ink for this printer for 13 bucks. Instead of 150 for toner.