www.cardiognosis.com Review:
CARDIOGNOSIS™ by Kouvoussis Emmanuele - Καρδιολόγος στην Γλυφάδα, CARDIOGNOSIS, Καρδιλοόγος στην Ανω Γλυφάδα, Αρτηριακή Πίεση, Λιπίδια, Κολπική Μαρμαρυγή.OurDoctor.grA site for healthcare providers who are interested in cardiology,high blood pessure,dyslipidemia,atrial fibrillation,coronary artery disease and patients with cardiocirculatory problems.
Country:, North America, US
City: -122.3933 California, United States
As for the device, it's a 5 star product. The charger is negative 1 star. I love the newly dedicated buttons for everything. No more hold these two buttons down for mute, maybe it will work then hold down power or the call button to do other things... This latest is great because you have dedicated mute, call, volume, and power switches or buttons. I am a fan. However, as hundreds others have said, the charging mechanism is crap. Why on Earth Plantronics thought it was a good idea to have a proprietary charger is beyond me. Plantronics used to have all chargers like this instead of USB. WIth the Voyager Pro line they finally went to USB... You're going backwards Plantronics! I can't give the earpiece itself less than 4 stars tho because it's amazing. Great call quality and fits well with glasses.
If you watched the infomercail and thought "wow, I agree with what they're saying, maybe this is a good program" then you've already heard 75% of what you're going to get on the CD/DVD set. Most of the hours and hours of guidance is just an extended version of the infomercial, a lot of times it's the exact same script as the infomercail. It's like they're trying to convince you that their method works and you should buy into it. Yeah, I got tht part, can we just move on? Unfortunately no, you can't move on. You must listen to hours of them droning on and on about and Lehman and his program and how good it is and testimonials and why you should do this and why it works. It's very frustrating to listen to all that when you accept the premise and want to move on to the HOW of the program. I lost patience really quickly trying to weed through all the hard sell rhetoric to find the actual steps of the program. Some of their methods I've been trying myself before I even got the program and they didn't work so trying methods that have already failed is a waste of my time. Of course, you can spend $50 a month to subscribe to their "talk" line and call them. And if you're doing the program hoping to get your money back by providing feedback, make sure you do every step in order and answer the questions after each section. The instructions for filling out the questionaire are non-existent. I think my biggest problem with my kids is that I don't have enough time to spend with them. If I had the time that this program takes, I'd probably be ok but with being a single parent who works and goes to school, I found the time requirements of this program to be unrealistic. Especially when the majority of it was just an extension of the infomercial. Very frustrating! $500 not very well spent ($109 a month for 3 months for the program since I didn't do their survey and $49 a month for the "talk" line that I didn't even know I was paying for).
as described.....this stuff works when pushing coolant into crank case or combustion chambers but maybe not when pushing combustion gases into cooling system which is common on subaru 2.5 ....but worth the extra cash when compared to other cheap miracle cures that can cause lots of restriction problems elsewhere in cooling systems.
This was okay. I would recommend it for little kids 6 and under, but my 9 and 10 year old nieces lost interest due to the song choices and easy dance moves. They much prefer the regular version of Just Dance.