www.cchr.co.za Review:



Citizens Commission on Human Rights - South Africa. Investigating and exposing psychiatric human rights abuse since 1969. - CCHR - Citizens Commission on Human Rights - Investigating and exposing psychiatric human rights abuse since 1969.

Country:, Africa, ZA

City: 24 , South Africa

  • Jared Bartley Anderson - Great Product

    I have taken product for over a month now and it has been working great for me. I have noticed that I am not as hungry and don't tend to just snack on junk food constantly as well as boosting my energy a lot. I would recommend starting light with just one pill until you get used to them or know how you will react because these are fairly strong and gave me the jitters the first time i took two. Once you learn how and when to take them this product is great.

  • Skyy Sutton - This book has everything to help you become a power ...

    This book has everything to help you become a power user of Microsoft Excel. I keep it on the shelf, close to my workstation at home.

  • Gadgeteer E - It's like having Joe right beside you

    Couldn't catch Joe on the Flash Bus, so I guess the DVD is a cheaper way for me to attend his workshops. If you're McNally fan as I am, and read his books (The Moment it Clicks, Hot Shoe Diaries etc.) -- the contents of the DVD should be familiar to you: what it does is it walks you through the steps and concepts, and shows you what a book could not: action. The presentation is simple enough, and anyone who's comfortable with camera controls and using other than program exposure mode - should grasp the content and laugh along with Joe as he trudges on. David Hobby even appears as a Pizza Delivery man during an intermission, when Joe was fiddling with TTL exposure - while David Hobby set everything back to manual mode on the flashes, to nail the shot.

  • Shelby B. - Fun!

    Fun and great exercise! I even got my bf to play with me a couple times and he is not a fan of rhythm/dancing games.

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