www.cloisterroadsurgery.co.uk Review:
Cloister Road Surgery - GP Surgery Website. All about your doctors surgery, the opening times, making appointments, ordering your repeats, health information and more - Cloister Road Surgery Cloister Road Surgery,41-43 Cloister Road,London W3 0DF, GP Surgery Website. All about your doctors surgery, the opening times, making appointments, ordering your repeats, health information and more
Country:, Europe, GB
City: -0.1224 , United Kingdom
Good gift for someone who has everything. On the scale of needs, this comes in close to last, but then I said, for the person who already has everything. A good way to waste time.
The software arrived on time and I installed it on my windows 8.1 computer. Everything is as promised, This is the only greeting card / label maker I will ever need.
OK the short review is a great success reducing my 100% CPU utilization temperature by approximately 30 degrees C.