www.datascience.manchester.ac.uk Review:



Data Science Institute | Data Science Institute - The next meeting of the Data Science Club will take place on Tuesday 1st November with a keynote talk from the lead of GM Connect; Eric Applewhite. Click here to register & for more information.

  • http://www.datascience.manchester.ac.uk/#content Data Science Institute | Data Science Institute - Dr James Hensman (Lancaster University) will present 'Google's TensorFlow: not just for Deep Learning?' on Thursday 10th November. Click here to register & for more information.
  • http://www.datascience.manchester.ac.uk/cookies/ Cookies | Data Science Institute - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut
  • http://www.datascience.manchester.ac.uk/about/ About | Data Science Institute - Manchester's Data Science Institute acts as an access point to the University’s expertise in data science and facilitates interactions between data science researchers and problem holders.
  • http://www.datascience.manchester.ac.uk/about/what-we-do/ What We Do | Data Science Institute - Platea nisi mus tempor vitae est vestibulum mus gravida phasellus pulvinar condimentum facilisis parturient a curabitur cubilia aptent at. Eu sapien dignissim varius suspendisse sodales a a rutrum a
  • http://www.datascience.manchester.ac.uk/about/management-board/ Management Board | Data Science Institute - Staff from across the University are involved in data science related roles and projects. The Data Science Institute Management Board comprises members from all faculties and acts as an operational
  • http://www.datascience.manchester.ac.uk/about/advisory-board/ Advisory Board | Data Science Institute - Our advisory board oversee our programmes and activities, and contribute to our strategic plans
  • http://www.datascience.manchester.ac.uk/news/ News | Data Science Institute - Welcome to all the latest news & funding opportunities from the Data Science Institute.
  • http://www.datascience.manchester.ac.uk/events/data-science-club/ Data Science Club | Data Science Institute - An informal platform to hear about the broad range of Data Science activities across the University.
  • http://www.datascience.manchester.ac.uk/events/advanced-analytics-seminars/ Advanced Data Analytics | Data Science Institute - Leading researchers present recent advances in Machine Learning and Computational Statistics
  • http://www.datascience.manchester.ac.uk/events/advances-in-data-science/ Advances in Data Science | Data Science Institute - A 2-day meeting showcasing leading data science methodology and applications, including sessions on advanced data analytics, data science applications, privacy and research software.
  • http://www.datascience.manchester.ac.uk/research/ Research | Data Science Institute - We carry out basic research in advanced data analytics and address data-driven research in Health & Biology, Social & Policy, Environment, Urban Living, Science & Engineering and Business &
  • http://www.datascience.manchester.ac.uk/research/foundations/ Foundations | Data Science Institute - The Foundations of data science lie in methodology for the analysis, interpretation and organisation of data and information. Our schools of Mathematics and Computer Science carry out world-class
  • http://www.datascience.manchester.ac.uk/research/health-biology/ Health & Biology | Data Science Institute - Data science has reached all areas of health and biomedical research. Large and complex datasets are used to improve monitoring of population health and prevention of disease, provide novel insights
  • http://www.datascience.manchester.ac.uk/research/social-policy/ Social & Policy | Data Science Institute - The Cathie Marsh Institute for Social Research provides a focal point at The University of Manchester for the application of quantitative methods in interdisciplinary social science research in order
  • http://www.datascience.manchester.ac.uk/research/environment/ Environment | Data Science Institute - Data science techniques within environmental and earth sciences drive studies from the molecular to global scale. Better understanding the history, future and present challenges facing our planet -
  • http://www.datascience.manchester.ac.uk/research/urban/ Urban | Data Science Institute - The University of Manchester has been at the forefront of urban studies for over 30 years and as the largest university in the UK, brings together political, socio-economic, data, engineering and
  • http://www.datascience.manchester.ac.uk/research/business-management/ Business & Management | Data Science Institute - Data underpins many different research activities at Alliance Manchester Business School. As a business school, the research of many academics in the school is practitioner focused and conducted in
  • http://www.datascience.manchester.ac.uk/research/digital-humanities/ Digital Humanities | Data Science Institute - Digital Humanities at Manchester brings together experts from the humanities and computer science with computational partners from across the University.
  • http://www.datascience.manchester.ac.uk/education/ Education | Data Science Institute - Premier social science departments from four research intensive Universities are coming together with mathematicians, computer scientists, sensor experts, and other data scientists to create a
  • http://www.datascience.manchester.ac.uk/education/cdt-new-forms-of-data/ CDT: New Forms of Data | Data Science Institute - Premier social science departments from four research intensive Universities are coming together to create a multi-disciplinary doctoral training centre in Data Science.
  • http://www.datascience.manchester.ac.uk/events-1/events/data-science-club-6/ Data Science Club #6 | Data Science Institute - The next meeting of the Data Science Club will take place on Tuesday 1st November with a keynote talk from the lead of GM Connect; Eric Applewhite. Eric will give an overview of the GM Connect

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  • Matthew OConnor - Novelty at best

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  • MileHighGuy - Great magazine

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  • Beny Rodriguez - BUY THIS PRODUCT...then do what I did!!

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