www.healthyyounaturally.com Review:
Healthy You Naturally Wellness Centres | HYN - The Iridologists, Nutritionists & Herbalists are the Natural Health Practitioners at our Wellness Centres that care about helping people get healthy naturally
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Paul Fieg does to this beloved franchise what Joel Schumacher did to Batman. Pretentiously acted, poorly written, and haphazardly put together, this reboot, is so horrible it makes the original Ghostbusters 2 look like an Oscar nominee. It's obvious someone decided to abort any script structure in place of improved, off the cuff dialogue, but instead of being quick and cunning it feels utterly forced and awkward, making each scene almost agonizing to watch. Even the effects are so over the top that they gleefully skip through the uncanny valley. Finally, any hope of redemption attempted by silly cameos and nods to the source material fails as well. It's an absolute disaster, and that isn't a sexist thing; it is a lack of talent and humor thing. With this director and cast, this film never stood a ghost of a chance.
The New Yorker Magazine consistently is one of the more erudite periodicals produced in the United States,engaging many of us living outside the Big Apple in the wilderness, west of the Appalachians.
Emmerich films have been a bit uneven for me. He created a whole universe with Stargate, but then twisted history a bit with Mel Gibson in The Patriot. He created a great film in Independence Day and wiped out the World Trade Center before anyone thought about it, yet made a hammy, cheesy flick called Day After Tomorrow. His 10,000 BC had potential, but there were too many plot holes.
I have a small house with small rooms, and sponge mops never can get into corners or take care of spots on the baseboard moldings. This little mop is really light and easy to use, and it cleans much faster and more efficiently than a sponge mop. In minutes the floor is clean and smells like Pine-Sol. Good job, little Wonder Mop!