www.kdra.or.kr Review:



한국신약개발연구조합 (KDRA - Korea Drug Research Assocoation) - 한국신약개발연구조합(KRDA - Korea Drug Research Assocoation)는 혁신 제약산업계(제약기업 및 바이오테크기업)의 연구개발 총괄조정 대표 단체로서 물질특허제도 도입에 대비하여 대한민국의 글로벌 신약개발을 통하여 국내 내수 중심기업을 거대 다국적제약기업으로 육성하는 것을 목표로 설립되었습니다. 또한 의약분야의 산업기술에 대한 연구개발 선진기술의 도입 및 보급 등을 협동적으로 수행함으로써 의약산업기술 향상을 통하여 국민경제 발전에 이바지하는 것을 목적으로 하고 있습니다. 주요사업으로는 연구개발인큐베이션 및 프로젝트 지원사업(정부부처 연구기획 및 연구지원), 대정부 건의/자문 사업, 조사/연구사업, 교육/연수사업(고용노동부 인력양성 지정기관), 정보지원사업, 출판사업, 홍보사업, 제약산업기술거래센터(PTBC) 운영 및 기술거래사업, 시상운영사업 (대한민국신약개발상, 신약개발우수책임자/연구자상), 전문커뮤니티 운영사업 (제약개발연구회, 원료의약품 연구회, 의약분석연구회, 천연물의약품연구회, 제약생산기술연구회), 정책기구 운영 및 정책연구사업(혁신정책연구센터, InnoPol), 통계사업 (R&D백서 발간 외) 등입니다.

Country:, Asia, KR

City: 126.9741 , Republic of Korea

  • SyzRip - Above For Initiative...

    Above for initiative, three belows for headwork. Bullseye, Dead Meat, Suicide, Cmon you guys! You can do better than that! This guy just made the air wing comic for the entire cruise! Love the P-3 (don't DQ the boat!) and SERE CMC (hugs & kisses) comments! 3500 hrs, 700 traps, 6 deployments, two RAG instructor tours, sat on a few FNAEBs, can not count on two hands the number of friends who died in Navy and Marine Corps jets. Why are we offended? Because it is the nature of this community to be silent for the most part. Why? I may be able to explain. Once you are behind the ship on a pitch dark night with lots of boat movement and an aircraft emergency or two, you'll know. Once you taxi into the ONE WIRE amidst blood curdling "POWER!" calls and WAVEOFF lights grinding your hook to a nub in a shower of sparks starting at the round down, you'll know. Once you get your third bolter blue water with no divert and have to join on the tanker in the middle of a lightning hail storm where you can see Saint Elmos Fire on your probe tip and you finally get in the basket the tanker calls "SOUR" and your low fuel lights illuminate, you'll know. Once you have a student completely wrap the probe around the tanker drogue and try to put the basket down your intake just as you get a "LOW OIL" light on that same engine, you'll know. Naval Aviators are quiet for the most part because that is YOU tomorrow night, getting the no grade or worse due to a half second inattention on final. Once you know what LOBAR underlined means, you'll know! D-Day you out there? I'll never forget one of my buddies on our winging day selected for single seat hornets and he was all "I'm doing it alone! Brief alone, walk alone, fly alone..." and D-Day says, "Yea, and your gonna die alone too!" Most the guys are pretty quiet, and I can not tell you how quiet the wardroom is after a terrible night, when everyone has the 1000 yard stare and is just happy to be aboard and alive!

  • Makenna - Wonderful screen protector!

    This screen protector is great! I bought this protector for an iPhone 6. It arrived on time, and very well packaged. When I got it, the packaging was easy to open. The screen protector came in a hard covered little box, that was very good, and it protected it very well. The protected was very easy and fast to put on. It fit perfectly on the iPhone 6, and it is a little bit thick, but that means that it will protect the phone well. The screen is very easy to touch with it on, it causes no obstructions or difficulties. Overall, this screen protector is wonderful! I definitely recommend it. *I received this product for free in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. All I have said about the product is true; it is great*

  • NachoCheese - Beware of cheap dyes.

    I was attempting to remove very dark brown dye from my blonde hair. The 1st and 2nd treatment of color oops didn't do anything, even though I followed the directions word-for-word. My 3rd attempt finally yielded results. It took my hair from very dark brown to light brown.

  • Young Professional - love it, until the single serve cup gets stuck -- found solution

    have only used the single serve cup so far, haven't cracked open the actual blender, but the single serve cup for sure beats my $16 hamilton single serve blender. for one, it's much easier to clean, since the blade is attached to the cup cap (although you have to be careful cleaning, as it's possible to cut yourself, which i just did). now, the BIG complaint is that after a couple of uses, the single serve cup got stuck in the base after blending. couldn't pull it off the base no matter how hard i tried. after half an hour of twisting and turning, i realized there's a small latch that makes the "click" sound when you snap the cup in. for some reason it wasn't going down in order for the cup to turn and get out of the base. so i used a thin pair of scissors to push the latch down, just enough so i could twist the cup over it and get the cup out. i'm guessing this will likely happen again, as it's a common complaint for single serve cup type blenders.

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