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Home | Novant Health Archdale Family Medicine - The providers at Novant Health Archdale Family Medicine serve as internists, annual checkup doctors, gynecologists, baby doctors and pediatricians. They serve patients of all ages and provide school physicals and annual physicals in Archdale, North Carolina.

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  • Roost843 - Rusty but trusty

    Comfortable chairs. Good quality but despite never being left outside, they have little rust spots developing by the grommets where they are sewn to the frame. I'd chalk it up to low quality grommets.

  • Stefano Allari - An excellent mistake

    This record established a new standard in musical and technical quality, and a border between the "before" and the "after". It is excellent under many aspects, and includes some KILLER songs, such as "Another brick in the wall II", "Mother", "Comfortably numb". Plus many beautiful songs: "Goodbye blue sky", "Nobody home", ... too many to be listed, really. The experimental mix of music and "live takes", which started back with "Alan's psychedelic breakfast" is brought here close to perfection. Technically, it is a reference, and better than TDSOTM. You could never say it is 22 years old. The timbre and quality of pianos, keyboards, guitars make it a true "classic". In fact, it sounds better than most albums recorded nowadays. Is it perfect? No. The conceptual architecture in which the Pink Floyd "framed" their music is somewhat weak. The sequence of themes is not always coherent. Some of the songs are weaker than the rest. The atmosphere is here and there a little gloomy. Were it not for these few (very few) weak points this would be THE music record. As it is, however, it is one of the best albums ever recorded.

  • Sweet C - Grab this it's HOT!!!

    From the first to the last page my attention was all in. Love Royal and Majesty being together. I think Polo is shady. The ending left me cringing.

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