www.radianceforyou.co.za Review:
Medical aesthetics treatments Johannesburg South Africa - Radiance For You offers medical aesthetics treatments in Johannesburg. Wrinkle treatment, injectable fillers and cellulite treatments are very popular.
Country:, Africa, ZA
City: 24 , South Africa
This was a GREAT reference for setting up servers and transitioning from Server 2008 R2 to Server 2012. There are so many tips tricks and just plain good instructional information in this and other books in the series that they become a must for any I/T person working on live systems whether in a large organization or a single person I/T department with one to many servers. I used this for a school running 5 servers, 12 smart switches 14 A/P's and over 190 computers for Administration, teachers and students. Even though I'm no-longer at the school, I still refer to this book for technical questions that arise. An invaluable resource!
I had a terrible flu-like hangover around the Christmas holidays, and every time I tried to drink after that, for months, I instantly felt sick again. In March I bought Complete Liver Cleanse, took it as directed, and noticed that I could drink alcohol again like a normal adult. Is it related to the cleanse? No idea, but I'm a happy customer.