www.radionacional.co Review:



Radio Nacional de Colombia | Radio nacional - Radio Nacional de Colombia es la radio pública de Colombia que informa sobre la actualidad, las prácticas culturales y las expresiones artísticas de y desde las regiones.

  • http://www.radionacional.co/quienes-somos/se-al-radio-colombia Radio Nacional de Colombia | Radio Nacional de Colombia - Los orígenes de lo que hoy es Radio Nacional de Colombia - la radio pública- se remontan al año 1940 y, particularmente, al 1 de febrero de ese año, cuando es fundada la Radiodifusora Nacional de Colombia por el entonces Presidente, Eduardo Santos.Fue en ese momento histórico en donde se inició el camino que ha dejado a su paso un gran legado cultural para nuestro país.
  • http://www.radionacional.co/noticia/cultura/tropicalia-julian-mayorga La tropicalia de Julián Mayorga | Radio Nacional de Colombia - Canciones influenciadas por Luis Alberto Espinetta, Neil Young y la poesía de Huidobro.
  • http://www.radionacional.co/noticia/cultura/sabor-afro-profetas-llega-a-nuestro-miercoles-descarga El sabor afro de Profetas llega a nuestro Miércoles de descarga | Radio Nacional de Colombia - Usted podrá obtener totalmente gratis 'Tiempo', el más reciente sencillo de esta agrupación, sólo por hoy en nuestra web.
  • http://www.radionacional.co/noticia/cultura/batallon-voces-leera-los-ejercitos-evelio-rosero Un batallón de voces leyó ‘Los ejércitos’ de Evelio Rosero | Radio Nacional de Colombia - Durante más de seis horas continuas, miles de voces entonaron los párrafos de esta obra literaria sobre el conflicto colombiano en la Plaza de Bolívar de Bogotá.
  • http://www.radionacional.co/programas/la-se-al-de-la-ma-ana La Señal de la Mañana | Radio Nacional de Colombia - Inicia un nuevo día con el análisis, la actualidad regional, los protagonistas de la agenda nacional y el equipo informativo de la Radio Nacional de Colombia.
  • http://www.radionacional.co/programas/la-onda-sonora La Onda Sonora | Radio Nacional de Colombia - En el universo de los sonidos no todo lo que se escucha es lo que parece. En un día como hoy, de lunes a viernes, Jaime Andrés Monsalve y Juan Carlos Garay descubren las curiosidades musicales a través de una concatenación de efluvios psicosomáticos en La Onda Sonora.
  • http://www.radionacional.co/noticia/actualidad/eln-revela-los-nombres-integrantes-del-equipo-negociador Eln revela los nombres de integrantes del equipo negociador | Radio Nacional de Colombia - Ya está conformado el equipo negociador del ELN que participará en los diálogos con el Gobierno en Quito, Ecuador. Durante la mañana esta guerrilla reveló los nombres de los 18 integrantes, entre los que está sólo uno de los miembros del Comando Central.
  • http://www.radionacional.co/noticia/actualidad/victimas-del-fondo-premium-interbolsa-recibiran-nuevo-pago Víctimas del Fondo Premium de Interbolsa recibirán nuevo pago | Radio Nacional de Colombia - Se trata del sexto pago que recibirán un poco más de 1.000 víctimas del mayor desfalco económico conocido recientemente en Colombia.
  • http://www.radionacional.co/noticia/actualidad/candidatos-a-procuraduria-general-nacion-presentan-su-hoja-vida-congreso Candidatos a Procuraduría General de la Nación presentan su hoja de vida ante el Congreso | Radio Nacional de Colombia - De los candidatos María Mercedes López, Fernando Carrillo y Jorge Fernando Perdomo saldrá el nombre que remplazará a Alejandro Ordóñez y que se definirá el próximo jueves.

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -77.4728 Virginia, United States

  • Cheryl Malsom - Farming Simulator 2013 online game

    I never could get this program to work, so I bought the game from Walmart and installed it from a disc. I'm usually satisfied with Amazon service, but I won't buy any online games any more.

  • Justin Charles - Absolute Worst software from UNETHICAL company !!

    The absolute worst !! Blocks programs it shouldn't and doesn't block programs it should. Got 2 major viruses while using this software and it causes your computer to run slow and erradicaly. Deleted the program and no more issues with my computer. GET THIS !! Got an automatic renewal notice from Bitdefender saying my subscription would end in a week and would automatically renew, when I didn't sign up for it, as I Never do. Replied to them using their link as well as sending a seperate e-mail telling them not to renew or bill my credit card. THEY CHARGED MY CARD ANYWAY a week later. Fortunately I used American Express and they dismissed the charge and blocked this DirtBag company from ever billing me again. STAY AWAY FROM BITDEFENDER !!!!

  • Amazon Customer - Definitely worth a try!

    My Mom and I both have been using this for 3 weeks now. After a few days of using this I really started to notice more mental clarity especially later in the week when I'm fatigued. My mom who is an RN and home health nurse would have the same problem later in the day and really bad later in the week. She's noticed a major difference in her mental clarity and a slight boost in energy when she takes her masterbrain AM in the morning with breakfast

  • Philip Jimenez III - Other than that silly mistake it seems to work just fine although a little expensive (I found a similar

    DO NOT USE AN IMPACT/HAMMER DRILL WITH THIS!! Other than that silly mistake it seems to work just fine although a little expensive (I found a similar, all metal, jig at the local Harbor Freight). I also was not a fan of having to use the proprietary screws with this jig so I went up to the local lumber store and found some similar Philips/square head screws in the bulk section that will work with the Kreg Jig. My first project was a kitchen table for my wife that I built out of 2x8 Doug fir and the jig worked great. The material I choose is a bit of a pain in the butt but a kitchen table top for around $40 can't be beat. I will try and remember to post pics when I am done staining and sealing.


    First of all, let me just say that this product is absolutely exquisite in its overall worth to society... been waiting a long time, for a tool that will properly define a boundary for those of us having a hard time determining if it is indeed a child or parent we are dealing with. With that being said, the availability in 10-15 packs to start with and the now, more affordable and affable 5 pack made perfect sense and is actually an ingenious marketing strategy on the manufacturers part, as I have already lost 6.5 of my original ten pack order as one had broken in half when I missed a parental test study's head and the tester broke in half on his dim-witted, yet hot as hell to trot, soccer mom/milf's thick as hell, and highly impervious forehead. The other 6 are being held by local law inforcement as "evidence" in on-going investigations.

  • Amazon Customer - This book is not bad. It's readable

    I checked this book out as part of the Prime Reading program, so I probably won't show up as a confirmed purchase.

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