www.robertoweigand.com.br Review:
Ilustração - Site e Portfolio do ilustrador Roberto Weigand - Ilustração de revista, livro didático, infantil e juvenil, capa, publicidade e intitucional. Site, blog e portfolio.
Country:, South America, BR
City: -43.2192 , Brazil
Before I owned a copy of this milestone in American nonfiction I was your average guy, forced to eat nothing but peanut butter and jelly sandwiches off of uprooted tiles from the next door neighbor's house. The contraption that sat on my counter with all it's buttons and noise and light scared the heebie-jeebies out of me. Thanks to Sonia Allison, I now understand that a microwave is not a dimensional rift into hell but actually a way to heat up meals!
I've tried hanging on the window, on the ceiling, behind the tv, over the fire place, in the bathroom (literally) and I only get 12 channels. I get 40 channels with just a regular antenna I bought from the local grocery store. Super bummer. I was hoping for more channels.